Speaker Beth Clayton

Fri, Jun 19th 2015 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Beth Clayton guest speaker of Bill Bryce

Stirling Rotary meeting 19th. June 2015

President David Paterson welcomed members, together with our speaker Beth Clayton, guest of Bill Bryce.  Thanks had been received from Charity Air Ambulance and Milton Football Club, who had both recently benefited from substantial support from the club.  Four shelter boxes had been purchased and deployed to assist with the Nepal earthquake disaster.  Alan Rankin drew the club’s attention to the desperate plight of Start-Up Stirling, whose store of food for the needy was all but exhausted, due to high demand, a story recently broken by the Stirling Observer.  As a result, members immediately voted the sum of £500, which the treasurer would provide right away.

President David then introduced our speaker, Beth Clayton, who had recently become Masters World Cycling champion on the indoor track.  Moving to Scotland as recently as 2010, Beth was borne in Cheshire and is a life member of Lichfield Cycling Club.  Theirs is a cycling family, with her husband and children all riding.  Qualified as an optician, Beth represented England in orienteering, conducted on foot rather than on wheels.  This was severely disrupted by the Foot and Mouth epidemic, a consequence of which was a ban on running from field to field.

On the bike, she managed to break the 25 miles in 1 hour barrier.  This was achieved on the indoor track, where the high speed banking rises to 42.5 degrees.  The bike in question has a carbon frame, no brakes and one (very high) gear with a fixed wheel.  Acceleration from a standstill is slow and stopping takes between one and two laps.  Beth has also done cyclo cross and road racing, her best result being 13th. in the Elite Road Racing series.  She achieved a bronze medal in the European Masters road race in the Isle of Man, going on to win the World Masters scratch race in Portugal.  Currently, Beth is mountain bike champion in the 50-55 age group.

Vote of Thanks was offered by Bill Bryce and well supported.  This week sees the presidential handover, with Visitors Host being Alan Rankin.  For more information on Stirling Rotary Club, please visit our website at www.stirling.rotary1010.org.

Ranald Ross-Watt
Communications Convener

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