Speaker Alan Skilling

Fri, Mar 27th 2015 at 12:00 am -

Topic, Henry The Navigator

Stirling Rotary Meeting 27th. March 2015

President David Paterson welcomed members; there were no visitors.  Those present were reminded of the Macrobert Gala Night on May 23rd. and the CHAS Ball on May 30th. It was pleasing to hear that the Dutch company Abellio, due to take over the Scotrail franchise on April 1st, had purchased from us 60 of the booklet about Stirling Station, sponsored by the club.

Speaker for the day was our own Alan Skilling, who chose as his subject Infante Dom Henrique de Avis, better known as Henry the Navigator.  Henry was born on March 4th. 1394 in Porto, a city on the Atlantic coast of Portugal and was the third son of King Joao of the same country. An important figure in politics, Henry encouraged exploration, first to Ceuta, across the Straits of Gibraltar from Algeciras and then progressively further down the West African coast.

This exploration was greatly aided by the development of a type of vessel known as the caravelle.  With its lateen sail, this ship could sail several points closer to the wind than other craft of the time, providing much more flexibility as regards course.  It was also highly manoeuverable.  He was also keen to find the location of the legendary Christian kingdom of Prester John.  Henry became governor of the rich Order of Christ and was also granted a monopoly of profits on his discoveries.

Cartographers were employed to chart the Mauretania coast.  The islands of Madeira were rediscovered in 1420 and the Azores in 1430.  The following year, a series of houses was donated to form the core of the University of Lisbon, whilst, in 1455, Portuguese explorers reached the Canary Islands.  Finally, in 1498, Vasco da Gama arrived in India, having sailed around the Cape of Good Hope.

The Vote of Thanks was given by Alan Rankin and well supported.  This week’s Speakers Host is Martin Ross, with Visitors Host Malcolm Cordwell Smith.  More information on Stirling Rotary can be found on the club’s website www.stirling.rotary1010.org.

Ranald Ross-Watt

Communications Convener

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