Weekly Rotary Meeting

Wed, Apr 21st 2021 at 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm

Mukesh Kumar, Rotary Club of Milton Keynes - The Patna Project. A Presentation.


In 2018 two members of Rotary MK who had originated from Bihar State, NE India, visited their families back home. They had been asked to keep an eye out for a potential project with which our club could get involved.

  1. Jinpura Primary school was identified as a suitable first step into an international project:
      1. Photos were taken and Rotary MK informed of the despair and low morale at the school.
        1. Children sat on the floor with no books or stimulation. No running water and one building in a dangerous state of disrepair.
        2. Attendance was down to 35% leading to a cut in school budget, fewer teachers and mixed age classes.
  2. Patna Rotary club, 20 miles from Jinpura Primary school, agreed to partner with us and they held a meeting with local dignitaries, the headteacher and Jinpura staff to evaluate the need for the school to be refurbished.
      1. It was agreed that the morale would improve if the learning was enhanced and the environment was improved.
      2. Reassurance was given that once the project was finished, morale would have lifted, the attendance rate improved, and, with a resultant rise in school budget, the project would be fully sustainable.
  3. A grant application was made to Rotary Foundation detailing the work, the hardware that would be given and the teacher training undertaken.
      1. The derelict building would be repaired and the whole school painted. Desks and benches for all the students would be built locally, the water pump replaced and running water reinstated with new toilets and a hand washing station built. Books, computers and science equipment would be given, and the teachers trained in interactive learning and IT.
  1. The £28,000 project was approved by Rotary Foundation and a generous grant given.
  2. Work began in November 2019 with the traditional breaking of a coconut to bring good luck.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rtn Jim Coley

Members assisting with Covid 19 Vaccination locations.

The completed Bench Refurbishment project

Local Community Gardens Asset revitalised by Newport Pagnell Rotary


Our President's message from past Bulletins.


You may find this booklet interesting !


'What is Rotary'. Click on the Rotary International or Rotary GB&I (Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland) links below for latest information on what the Rotary Family is doing globally. Click on the District 1260 link to see whats on in Beds/Bucks/Herts.

Bus-ShelterMK - Cheque Presentation, December.2020

Local Support Charity for the Homeless.


Our Club publishes news of its activities on Facebook and Twitter. Links are given below.


Our first 'live' event for 18 months since the Pandemic started.

Santa Claus is still here.

Christmas Trees for Schools, 2020 and Bury Avenue Gardens Benches


Links to Social Media and online Videos of what Rotary does locally and globally
