Speaker: Jenny Howells - MK Hospital Cancer Unit

Wed, Jul 17th 2019 at 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Intro: Neil Beeton
VoT: Colin Kidby
Fellowship: Derek Barker

Our speaker last night was Jenny Howells from Milton Keynes University Hospital Charity.
The charity raises funds to help all parts of the Hospital, to have those extra things that make a difference; in the Wards, Treatment rooms, in fact all areas of he Hospital.  She emphasised that none of the funds raised are used towards the running costs of the Hospital, which treated 400000 patients last year.
At present they are running a campaign to raise £2.5 million towards the new Cancer Unit that is being built.
It is costing £15m  and again she stressed that this campaign is for the extra things that will make a difference to those working and using the new unit.  The building funds are  secure and the unit was “toppped out” recently.
The unit will have 24 beds, some with ensuite facilities. treatment rooms, consulting rooms, in fact everything needed to provide good cancer treatment to those that need it. It will save patients from  having to travel to Northampton for treatment which some have had to do under the current system.
This particular campaign will stop when the unit is officially opened in the Spring of next year.  It is thought that patients may be able to start using some of it this December but it will not be in full use then. They have raised £750,000 so  far towards it, if they have not reached their target by Spring time the campaign will still close. It means that if they have not reached the target some items will not be provided but will probably be done in the future from their general fund raising, which will, of course, continue so the Charity can keep on helping with things that make a difference to Patients ad staff.
Donations can be made via the MK Hospital Charity web page or the Rotary Club of Newport Pagnell Facebook page.
It was a very good presentation by Jenny who was full of enthusiasm  for her work and what the charity is achieving.

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