Speaker Mike Goss -

Wed, Feb 13th 2019 at 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Intro: John Goss
VoT: John Neale
Fellowship: David Aked-Walker

Our speaker on 13th February was Mick Goss, a farmer from Weston Underwood and known to several Rotarians.  Mick kindly spoke to us about his experience of living with Parkinson's Disease.  He was diagnosed as having the condition at the age of 37.

After attention by his own doctor, Mick was referred to a London hospital where, after several visits, was recommended a pioneering treatment called "Deep Brain Stimulation", which involved inserting metal rods into his brain.  The treatment has helped considerably, enabling him to lead a near-normal life and to continue farming.  

Mick's talk was fascinating, funny and inspiring.  As a result of his successful experience and interest he was invited to be a trustee with a group of London hospitals, with whom he is able to contribute to advancing knowledge of Parkinson's Diseaase.

Rotarian John Neale.

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Christmas Trees for Schools, 2020 and Bury Avenue Gardens Benches


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Rtn Jim Coley

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Local Community Gardens Asset revitalised by Newport Pagnell Rotary


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Bus-ShelterMK - Cheque Presentation, December.2020

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