Speaker - Lee Gillam - Air Ambulance

Wed, Nov 14th 2018 at 8:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Introduced by: John Neale
VoT: Paul Campion
Fellowship: Michelle Carter

Our speaker, Lee Gillam, has spent most of his working life in the ambulance and air ambulance service and most recently as a paramedic, totting up some 43 years.
 Some of the most harrowing situations included the Marchioness disaster and the Staples Corner bombing where, inevitably, judgements have to be made in prioritising needs.   As Lee explained, those who are able to call out for help amongst those who are injured receive less immediate attention.  The priority cases will be the unconscious where checks need to be made to establish the seriousness of their condition.
Apart from the mental stresses of working in the trauma field, the job also requires significant physical capabilities to be able to pick up and run with a ‘grab bag’ containing a vast range of medical supplies and equipment.
Fortunately, what could have become an extremely gruesome talk was punctuated by lighter moments such as his description of the hierarchy of stethoscopes.  A newly qualified doctor will wear it around their neck thereby making sure that nobody is left in any doubt that he or she is a doctor.  Progression to a Registrar will see the implement relegated to their coat pocket.  At the top of the tree, a Consultant will have to borrow a stethoscope as they never carry their own.

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