Lunch, speaker Stephen Quant

Tue, Nov 22nd 2016 at 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


At this week’s lunch meeting, Stephen Quant, husband of the club’s speakers’ secretary, stepped in at short notice to give one of his historical talks.

He has spoken to the club on several occasions before and his presentations are always entertaining as well as being informative. He opened by giving the background to the publication of the Domesday Book in 1086 by giving a brief overview of how William the Conqueror had invaded England in 1066 and, after defeating Harold at Hastings, was rebuffed at Southwark later in October and turned left along the south of the Thames until crossing it at Wallingford, finally becoming victorious at Berkhamstead, and crowned King in December.

Willliam I ordered the production of the Domesday Book, so that he could see where he could raise the money to keep his army. Henley itself is not mentioned in the book, the first reference apparently in 1204 and became a Borough as late as 1568. However, there are entries for Bolney, Harpsden, Badgemore and Lashbrook, as well as Remenham in Berkshire.

Caversham (then in Oxfordshire) was also mentioned and appeared to have assets of £20, which compared very favourably with some of the neighbouring villages in South Oxfordshire.

Proposing the vote of thanks, John Luker commented that Stephen Quant’s historical talks were moving forward and were becoming ever more entertaining as time went on.

Members heard that the charity bingo evening held at the Town Hall on Friday last had been another great success.

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