Twilight - Speaker Peter Thomson

Tue, Nov 17th 2015 at 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


One of Henley Rotary Club’s newest members, Peter Thomson, gave his “job talk" at the Red Lion Hotel.

He originally studied physics, chemistry and electrical engineering but, being interested in the social aspects of technology, he went into personnel management at Rank Xerox and later moved to Digital Equipment Corporation in Reading where he was head of human resources for northern Europe, for 15 year. He spent a further three years with the company in sales and marketing as it was moving into consultancy. Later, Compaq took over DEC, then became HP, so began what was known as DEXODUS and the loss of many jobs.

Peter realised that the world of work was changing and made contact with Henley Management College where they formed the Henley Future Work Forum, which was later absorbed into a larger research centre when the college was merged with Reading University to form Henley Business School.

He was setting up a management consultancy, but throughout he continued lecturing at the business school. His company is called Wisework Ltd., one of the leading consultancies in the area of flexible working and its aim is to bring 19th century working practices into a 21st century situation.

Four years ago he co-wrote a book entitled “Future Work,” which he modestly claimed to be a business best-seller, the main theme of which was that, with the modern methods of communication, we are seeing the demise of middle management.

Maria Bunina gave the vote of thanks.


At this week’s lunch meeting, the club’s president-elect, Lionel Scott, gave his fellow Rotarians a fascinating insight into an invention he had made and, earlier, Peter Wolsey, a member of the Rotary Club of Tallin in Estonia and a visitor to the Henley club on three or four previous occasions, presented President John Grout with a Tallin pennant. Rotarian Grout promised to reciprocate when our secretary returned from his holiday with the stock of pennants!.

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