Litter Pick in Watton

The Environment is an important area of focus for all Rotary clubs, and our club demonstrated this by organising a litter pick in Watton.

On March 25th 2023, Watton Rotary Club organised a litter pick in Watton. Organised by Rotarian Paul Weatherill, our intrepid team of 7 volunteers were intent on clearing some of the town's streets of rubbish. 

Starting at St Mary's Church car park, and armed  with litter pickers, gloves and rubbish sacks, we spent a very worthwhile couple of hours picking litter, firstly along Town Green road, then on to Norwich Road, before returning to our start point via Church Road. 

We were very pleased to have been able to fill some 20 sacks with litter from the streets and ditches along this route, and our effoorts were clearly appreciated by local residents, as we received many words of encouragement and thanks from passers by.

All in all, we thought it a successful environmental project, and we will want to undertake more in the future

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Litter picking team

The Environment

back Supporting the environment is a major area of focus for Rotary Clubs in the UK and worldwide.