Club Assembly

Thu, Jun 10th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This evening we held our Club assembly via Zoom, and welcomed our ADG Richard Perkins. Another visitor was Neil Thomas, a potential new member of the club.

After opening the meeting, our President Mike Haythorpe handed over to our Vice President Paul Weatherill, who outlined his plans for the coming year, including the hope that face to face meetings can resume. We also heard from the various Committee chairs about their plans for the coming year. In summarising what he had heard, our ADG gave a very favourable report on our club, suggesting one or two areas we may wish to venture next year.

Richard was particularly interested in the Shelterboat project, whereby Paul W will sail a boat created around a Shelterbox from Hickling to Norwich, via Great Yarmouth, a distance of some 50 miles, to raise funds for Shelterbox. A date for the launch, hopefully later this summer, will be announced soon.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

An important aspect of Rotary is friendship, whereby we look to enjoy the projects we are involved in, as well as organise social events and outings throughout the year

Inaugural charter dinner - November 1954

The Rotary Club of Watton & District (to give it's full title) came in to existence on 8th September 1954.

Clean water for isolated communities is a priority for the Rotary Foundation

Foundation is Rotary's own charity. It is the vehicle through which much of Rotary's international good work is carried out.

Our stall at Watton Christmas market

Fundraising is an important part of our work each year, as without funds we cannot undertake our many charitable activities.

Entries in our Umbrella festival 2018

We seek ways to serve our local community wherever we can, whether this is giving of our time or in making monetary donations.

Little Gary's Plaice - First recipient of the award

From Jan 2023 we have started a Business of the Month Award, for businesses who have been nominated for outstanding service or assistance.

Charlie Houlder-Moat walked from Hunstanton to Watton carrying a Shelterbox to raise funds for the Shelterbox charity

Besides being rooted in our own local community, our club supports Rotary International in its quest to promote peace and understanding throughout the world.

Winners of our 2020 Young Photographer competition

Watton & District Rotary Club are committed to the development of our young people.

Norfolk farmland

Supporting the environment is a major area of focus for Rotary Clubs in the UK and worldwide.
