more Some pics from the festive evening at The Cherry Tree - well done to the staff for a lovely evening
more In a change to the programme, President Stuart has decided that this evening's meeting will align with the Cherry Tree's theme and Quiz night - The theme will be CURRY - details to follow from President Stuart
more We will be holding the Club Christmas Meal at The Cherry Tree this year - a revised Xmas Party Menu is available and guests are most welcome. Rtn Geoff will be coordinating the event collating names, choices etc. Menu is attached - see details
more We will be holding the Club Christmas Meal at The Cherry Tree this year - a revised Xmas Party Menu is available and guests are most welcome. Rtn Geoff will be coordinating the event collating names, choices etc. Menu is attached - see details
more It's time for some of us longer serving Rotarians to share with our newer members a bit about ourselves - this will happen over the next few fellowship evenings - President Stuart will start the series
more The Club will be recognising St George's Day this evening - details of the event will follow
more The Club will be having its annual Burn Night celebration. Haggis Neeps and Tatties, a verse or two, a bit of tartan here and there and a wee dram. Guests welcome
more And a good night was had by all ! - Congratulations to The Cherry Tree for the lovely food and service.
more Bill is organising another get together for members and guest at A Tasca Portuguese restaurant - menus have been issued and names and numbers to Bill by 15th Nov
more President Peter will handover to incoming Senior Vice President, Steve Kear. This will consist of an informal BBQ at the Cherry Tree - Guests most welcome. £16 per head.
more The Club will hold this years Charter at Soham Town Rangers Football Club, speaker will be Jonathan James. Time 7 for 7.30 pm. Guests welcome. £30 per head. Menu choice and form on link below
more The Club will be holding a"Roast Dinner" evening in celebration of England's Patron Saint - St George. Guests will be most welcome - £14 / head as usual. Steve will be coordinating the evening
more A great night at the Cherry Tree celebrating Scotland's bard, Robbie Burns. Many thanks to Steve Kear for organising the event, Geoff for the Selkirk grace, Iain for the Haggis address and the Cherry Tree for their excellent meal and service.
more It was great to have so many guests attend our Christmas Meal this year held in Freckenham. Thanks go to Steve Kear & Stuart Cavanagh for organising it and to Geoff for the International raffle on the night. A fun evening
more This is a date change to the original programme. Rtn Steve is coordinating menu choices and numbers for our Christmas get-together at THE Golden Boar in Freckenham - contact a Rotarian for details
more In a change to our programme, we will be joining Ely Hereward rotarians for a viist to Burwell museum followed by a meal in the V Bells, Burwell - details have been emailed to members and returns by Tuesday 19th April to Iain please
more Peter Holmes will be trying out a pilot BINGO night with the members before looking to pull together a event eying towards the end of March - please support the evening.
more Slightly delayed - our Chain of Office handover took place at a socially distanced BBQ held outside at the Maid's Head.
more Six Soham club members joined ex Soham Rotarian Bruce Golson and his new club of Waynesville Sunrise, North Carolina for a virtual Rotary meeting.
more President Alan took the opportunity city to visit Lincoln Rotary Club during a trip to the area in February this year. He is pictured with the Presidents of both Lincoln and Lincoln Bailgate, Peter Hill & Allan Orient respectively.
more Members and Guests enjoyed traditional fayre at this years Burns Night held in the Maids Head. Rtn Geoff read the Selkirk grace and Rtn Iain addressed the haggis. Poems and drams were suitably enjoyed.
more President Alan took the opportunity city to visit Lincoln Rotary Club during a trip to the area in February this year. He is pictured with the Presidents of both Lincoln and Lincoln Bailgate, Peter Hill & Allan Orient respectively.
more Past president Barry Lonsdale handed over the chain of office to our new President for the forthcoming year, Alan Chilcott. This is Alan's 2nd time as President. Geoff Fisher becomes Senior Vice and Neil Osbourne steps up to Junior Vice president.
more A very pleasant evening was spent visiting the Greene King Brewery in Burt St Edmunds. Rtn's Alan Chilcott and Gill Hamilton worked together to make it fun night out for our weekly get-together.
more President Bill Rind assumes office following the start of our new Rotary year for 2017 - 18.
more Members and guests celebrated the birthday of Robert Burns with traditional fayre at The Maids Head
more A group of about 20 Rotarians and guests have accepted the invitation of local MP Lucy Frazer to have a trip to London and the Houses of Parliament
more It was the Club's pleasure to welcome two former Club members, Steve Colbourne on a visit back from China where he lives and Geoff Griggs, our former PR correspondent.
more Following Rtn Lynne's decision to step down from office following recent changes in her personal circumstances, JVP Rtn Bill will now step up into the SVP for this year. Rtn Barry Lonsdale will be the new JVP following Council and members endorsement.
more Immediate Past President Bruce stands with the new Soham team for 2016 - 17 Rotary year. Congratulations to President Stuart, SVP Lynne and JVP Bill.
more The Club celebrated it's 41st year at the annual Charter Dinner - President Bruce and his distinguished top table guests joined club members, their partners, visiting Rotarians from Newmarket, Ely Littleport plus invited friends and guests.
more Rotarians and guests were treated to a visit to the Prickwillow Museum - Les Walton gave an informative tour and fired up on of the main pumps with the assistance of Mike Penbreth, both gents being trustees of the charity.
more Club members will be joining our daughter Club Littleport in their Charter Night being held at The Anchor, Little Downham
more It was great to see a former club member Tom Berg ( left) when he accompanied Rtn Trevor Cole ( right ) as a guest at last weeks meeting. Present Bruce Golson warmly welcomed Tom back to the club. Tom was a member from 1991 to 1995.
more Rotarians and guests enjoy a great evening at Ely City Golf Club celebrating the birthday of Scottish bard, Rabbie Burns
more Rotarian Graham receives achievement award and engraved whisky tumbler.
more £284 raised - Well done all
more Following this year's Charter Night - CLAPA ( Cleft Lip & Palate Association) benefits by £757 accepted by Paul Howells
more President Bruce Golson is now in the pilot's seat for the forthcoming Rotary year. His support team includes Stuart Cavanagh and Lynne Turner as his senior and junior VP's respectively. Immediate Past President Alan Chilcott hosted the handover event.
more A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported this years bucket collections around Soham And Fordham. A terrific result with over �2500 being raised for the Helimedics/Magpas. Well done to everyone who contributed and made it possible.
more This year's District Assembly will again be held at Lynford Hall
more The Rotary Club joined forces with The Maid's Head pub in Wicken to provide a Halloween Event for local children. The event was in aid of local charities.
more A fine night of dining an fellowship with a guest interview of Jonny from Spinney Abbey. Well done to Rtn Bruce for organising the evening.
more On behalf of The Soham Rotary Club, President Iain would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy health and Happiness with loved ones.
more A heartfelt thanks to residents of Soham, Fordham and surrounding area - £1509 was raised over the Christmas Collection Period
more The Club's Festive activity generates funds for local Charities. President Iain and Club Service chair Alan Chilcott present cheques to Ivor Sanderson of Magpas and David Tickner, the St Andrew's Church representative.
more A good night was had by all - Well done to Alan and the team for the organisation
more Soham Staploe celebrates it's 39th Charter. This year the Dinner will revert back to The Brook, Soham as the venue. The ticket price is £30 a head - this years speaker is the Liverpool comedian - Jed Stone. Dress Code is Black Tie or Lounge Suits
more Immediate Past President Iain handed over £842 to the Teenage Cancer Trust charity following the excellent whisky raffle and auction which took place at the 2013 Club Charter night. The Trust Fund fundraisers praised the Club for it's generous donation.
more Charter Night Whisky Raffle 2014
more The New Year in the Rotary calendar saw the chains of command pass to the elected nominees for the 2014 - 15 year.
more The Soham Staploe Club wishes everyone all the best for 2014 and are looking forward to your ongoing support during this year. All assistance is very much appreciated
more The Soham Staploe Club bid a fond farewell to the staff of the Cherry Tree after looking after us for the past 6+ years. Martin, Steve and Sam were presented with engraved glassware by President Trevor on behalf of all the members to show their gratitude
more District Governor Bill Redmayne attended the Soham Club's meeting where the beneficiaries from the recent Beer & Music Festival received there cheques from President Trevor. DG Bill also took the opportunity to give supportive words for the Club's year.
more The Soham Club celebrated it's 38th Charter Dinner. DG Trevor Sayer and top Table guests of Club Presidents from neighbouring Clubs joined President Iain and guest speaker Charlie Haylock. Visiting Rotarians and friends of Soham Rotary joined the party.
more Regional PEP's training morning to be held at Ely City Golf Club
more Handover from Rtn Iain to Rtn Trevor