Having admired the work of our Rotary Club for many years, I had always been inclined to join the Club and I joined up recently. I just wanted to do something for our local community and to help with the amazing fundraising efforts that our Club is known for.
The Club members I knew before joining, I knew as a fun and friendly bunch! Since meeting many of the other members, I’ve been delighted with the friendly welcome I’ve received and how easy it has been to fit in.
As I am a busy, working solicitor, I might not be able to attend the weekly lunches as often as some members can. However, I have been able to enjoy a couple of social get togethers after work which were fun and ideal for chatting over ideas and I’ve also enjoyed a few cups of coffee and chat with some of the members over these months, so there are a good variety of opportunities to join in.
What else have I been doing at Rotary? It’s been great to help with some of the smaller community projects such as gardening at the Korean War Memorial and the litter pick near McDiarmid Park. Many of our partners come along and lend support at these events, which is nice for us and it gets the job done more quickly! I have also taken part in a leaflet drop for Perth Festival of the Arts, round all our local businesses, which was fun and I have been involved in some of the larger Club events such as the Classic Car Tour and the Charity Fayre. We raised money for our chosen charities at the Fayre and we invited other charities to join us and raise funds for their good causes as well.
It’s all about doing what you can, taking part and giving back.