Rotary Charity Golf Day supports good causes
This year’s Charity Golf Day organised by the Rotary Club of King’s Lynn was held at Middleton Hall Golf Club on Friday 19 July – the hottest day of the year so far. It is the Club’s main fund-raising event of the year and over £7000 has been raised.
In the last Rotary year (July 2023- June 2024) the Club donated some £8775 to good causes. The following charities benefited from our donations: Guide Dogs for the Blind, Fairstead Community Shop, Shelterbox, the Royal British Legion, Kids out, Baby Basics, King’s Lynn Night Shelter, King’s Lynn Food Bank, West Norfolk Carers, King’s Lynn Samaritans, Hunstanton RNLI, and Festival Too.
At Christmas time the Club organised a party for 40 Young Carers, took 18 bereaved children, linked to the charity Nelson’s Journey, to the pantomime at the Corn Exchange and gave Christmas parcels to a number of older people in need. In addition, some 300 Illustrated Dictionaries were provided for children in local primary schools. Two Rotary competitions were organised for pupils in secondary schools: Youth Speaks; and Young Musician; and prizes for Community Service were provided for sixth formers at both King Edward VII Academy and Springwood High School.
The Annual Golf Day is organised by Steve Roberts and Geoff Cheney on behalf of the Rotary Club. This year 21 teams took part and the winners were from B J Plant Hire. The club is very grateful to all those local companies which sponsored the event.
Photograph: The winning team from B J Plant Hire: Lee Button; Ben Button; Carl Button; and Lewis Gonzales.
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Each year purple crocuses are planted in various parts of King's Lynn as a reminder of Rotary's commitment to eradicating Polio worldwide.
moreThe latest round of this Rotary competition was held on 6 November 2024 at Springwood High School.
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moreUsborne Illustrated Dictionaries are presented each year to primary school children in King's Lynn
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moreThe local round of this Rotary competition told place on 8 November 2023 at Springwood High School
moreEach year club presents copies of the Usbourne Illustrated Dictionary to Year 5 pupils in local primary schools.
moreThe Town Hall and Corn Exchange in King's Lynn were lit up in purple to celebrate World Polio Day on 24 October
moreThe Rotary Youth Speaks Competition is designed to support & encourage the development of effective communication skills.
moreFollowing this planting session, The Rotary Club of King's Lynn will have (over a period of 6 years) planted 45,000 purple crocus corms on the verges and roundabouts of King's Lynn.
moreA public speaking competition organised by Rotary. There are local, district, regional and national rounds,