Sir Norman Lamb talks about youth mental health in Norfolk

Mon, Sep 23rd 2024 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Sir Norman Lamb will be talking at Greshams School about the mental health issues faced by young people in Norfolk and what we can do to help. Tickets at £10 - see EVENT DETAILS for link.

This year Holt and District Rotary have a focus on mental health. In July we supported the rural workers charity YANA through our sponsored ‘3 Old Men in Boats’ challenge down the River Wensum.

In September the focus changes to youth mental health with a talk by Sir Norman Lamb. In today’s world there are enormous challenges to young people’s mental health and wellbeing with 1 in 4 teenagers reporting a mental health difficulty.

Sir Norman is passionate about supporting young people in Norfolk and will be talking about ‘the state of young people’s mental health and how we can support them’. 

Please come along and support this initiative. All proceeds will go to the Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund which is managed by the Norfolk Community Foundation.


When: Monday 23rd September – doors open 18.00 – talk starts 19.00

Where: Fishmongers Recital Hall – Britten Building – Greshams School

Refreshments: Cheese, wine and soft drinks will be available

Price: £10 per person (including 1 free drink)


Under 18’s are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.

Tickets are available from Ticket Tailor using the link below.




'What We Do' Main Pages:

Three Old Men in Boats

Three elderly gentlemen with a combined age of 239 are kayaking the River Wensum from Fakenham to Norwich to raise funds for the East Anglian rural mental health charity YANA.

Club Fish and Chip Supper in support of End Polio

Holt and District Rotary organise fundraising events throughout the year with the proceeds going to a range of local and international projects

Young Carers enjoying a two night respite break on the North Norfolk Coast

Help is provided to North Norfolk Young Carers by funding respite breaks

Local Rotarian Roderick Hunt presenting books at a local primary school

This is a local initiative spearheaded by three of our members. Through it we provide books to local primary schools either by recycling books donated by the public or funding new books to suit schools needs

We have recently organised a garden lunch to raise funds for the Holt & District Dementia Support Group.

We have raised funds to support an Admiral Nurse in the Holt area helping people to live at home with Dementia and continue to support local dementia related activities


We contribute to Rotary Internationals project to eradicate polio worldwide.

A typical ShelterBox relief unit consisting of shelter, sleeping and cooking facilities

When disasters strike we support the relief organisation Shelter Box who provide rapid response to the need for shelter kits worldwide - see


We host monthly speaker lunches for Members and Friends. These cover a wide range of interesting topics;
