Dr.Nick Ireland presents a special trip to New Zealand

Dr.Nick Ireland gave presentation about his special trip to New Zealand with the “Flying Kiwi Ultimate Exploration Expedition”

On Tuesday the 28th. February, 2017, with the help of a power point presentation, we were taken on a trip to New Zealand by our speaker Dr.Nick Ireland.   It was not the first time Nick had shared with us memories of his trips abroad and we knew that we were in for a treat.    It was in May 2012 he joined a group of young people on a trip with “Flying Kiwi Ultimate Exploration Expedition” and, at the age of 70 he was the oldest member of the group by some thirty eight years.   We were soon to know that his trip was not to  be the usual tourist’s, when he explained that he had always wanted to experience sky diving and he showed a film of him doing just that, in tandem, at some l2,000 feet.  He travelled through both the North and South Islands and also went white water rafting and also, as you would expect, hang gliding.   The photographs he had showed the many different views that New Zealand has to offer.   He took us on to Milford Sound and also to view the giant Kauri Tree and  the boiling mud at Rotorua.   President Diana Loveland thanked Nick for his very interesting talk, and on behalf of us all, admired him for his courage.


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