Roger Jones talks about the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

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Our speaker on Tuesday, 11th October, 2016, was Roger Jones, who is a full time volunteer and ambassador for the Norfolk  Wildlife Trust.    The Trust, which was formerly called the Norfolk Naturalists Trust, was set up in l926.   The Trust’s  first acquisition was the Cley  Marshes which consisted of some 435 acres of land next to Blakeney Point in north NorfolkThe actual purchaser of the land was Dr. Sydney Long who paid £5160 which worked out at £12 per acre.    Since that time further land has been acquired at a cost of £1m and various sites are maintained by the Trust . Cley Marshes have the well deserved reputation as one of the UKs best bird watching sites.   The pools and scrapes are easily accessed  via a boardwalk and hides, and attract water birds in their thousands throughout the year.    The Award Winning Visitor Centre there has a shop and café which enjoys one of the best views in Norfolk and this year saw the opening of a Wildlife Education Centre funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.   The Trust now owns thirtyfour sites and manages some sixty others which, in addition to Cley Marshes include Foxley Wood, Hickling Broad, Holme Dunes, Ranworth Broad and Weeting Heath.   These sites enable visitors to enjoy walks into woods resplendent with wild flowers such as bluebells and wood anemones and several rare butterflies.    Sparrowhawks and tawny owls breed in Foxley Wood and the great spotted and green woodpeckers are often seen.    The Visitor Centres run lots of events throughout the year which include walks with the warden, dyke, pond or sea dipping or even a boat trip into the hidden heart of the broads.    Roger has been a volunteer for upwards of twenty years and his enthusiasm for the Trust and the work that it does became very clear through his very interesting and informative presentation.  He was thanked by Rtn. Martin Keable.

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