"A Jazz trip up the Yare to Norwich and back"

Roy Headland presented a trip from Great Yarmouth by river to Norwich, titled "A Jazz trip up the Yare to Norwich and back" . His presentation was accompanied with photographs and music corresponding to the various landmarks on the way.

Roy Headland  and our President Rtn. Diana Loveland

At our meeting on Tuesday, 27th September, 2016, we were entertained by Roy Headland whose subject was “A Jazz trip up the Yare to Norwich and back”   Roy was a tax consultant in Norwich and since his retirement he devotes his time to various interests a main one being music of many types.   He is a member of several choirs and at different times has studied piano, cello and clarinet before deciding his gifts lay elsewhere and he is ‘still looking’.   His first love is jazz and blues and he presents talks to various groups.    His interest in jazz extends over many years and was triggered by the discovery of Artie Shaw’s clarinet on a recording of Frenes i  (a 78rpm left behind by one of his sisters boyfriends).   With the aid of a power point presentation Roy took us on the musical journey and we set off from Yarmouth accompanied by the Dutch Swing College Band’s rendition of Riverside Blues.    This tune set our feet tapping and set the mode of the trip up the river.   Duke Ellington was the second band who played Black Beauty which Ellington wrote about a dancer at the Cotton Club and who died tragically young.   As we approached Norwich we listened to Al la Bridge by Harlan Leonard and the Rockets.   On the return journey, when we were on the Wensum, we listened to Fats Waller and in fact joined in with his singing “When somebody thinks you’re wonderful”   As we came under the bridge at St. Georges, which was close to where Louis Marchesi  was born we heard Count Basie playing The Square at the Round Table, which seemed appropriate.   The final tune on our journey was “Smoke House Blues” played by Jelly Roll Morton and the Red Hot Peppers.   The whole journey was certainly different and it was thoroughly enjoyed by us all.  Roy was thanked by Rtn. Henry Dent.   The picture shows Roy with President Diana Loveland.

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Roy Headland  and our President Rtn. Diana Loveland

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