Thank You to Rotarian Martin Keable for his year of office as our President

Members and friends attended a dinner and enjoyed entertainment at the Gorleston Golf Club to say Thank You to Rotarian Martin Keable for his year of office as our President.

On Saturday,25th June, 2016, some thirty eight members and friends attended the Gorleston Golf Club to say Thank You to Rotarian Martin Keable for his year of office as our President.   It was a glorious evening and a real pleasure to look over the sunny course and to enjoy an excellent meal.   Martin had had a very good year as our President and, along with his wife Ann, enjoyed the relaxed evening.   At his request he wished us to celebrate with a ‘sing song’ of various songs which went down very well although the quality of the singing would not have won any prizes.   Rotarian John Roper provided the music and led the singing.   Rtn. Gillian Brown, who organised the evening, then presented Martin with two rose bushes for his garden  and also a bouquet for Ann with our sincere thanks.


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