Village Water Project in Zambia

Rachel Cooper gave us an insight to the Village Water Project in Zambia

Rachel Cooper  gave us an insight to the Village Water Project in Zambia with which she is involved.   Our Club, like many others in District 1080, has made contributions to that project and it was nice to see, by slides, how our money has been spent and how much it is appreciated by the local community.   Prior to the commencement of this project there were no fresh water or toilet facilities in the villages.   Since the project began the village schools now have those basic facilities and the children are educated in the need and use of water and hygiene.   The schools now have open days and have plays produced by the children.     The health of the children has greatly improved with big reduction in diarrhoea, malaria and eye infections.     The locals now have training in building and other skills and are hopefully building up a fund for replacement of the wells and pipes when needed.   President Martin Keable thanked the speakers for their very interesting presentations.  

Village Water Project in Zambia sub-pages:

John and Margaret Admitt with President Diana Loveland

Progress made by the Albaraca Nursery School in Gambia

more John Adnitt and his wife Margaret brought us up to date with the progress made by the Albaraca Nursery School in Gambia which was set up by John in 1998 .