Foundation Evening 2015

Shadrack Nyama, who is currently a Rotary Peace Scholar and is studying at the University of East Anglia, talked about coming from Kenya to further his education, in order to help keep younger pupils in school in Kenya.

On Tuesday the 24th November we met in the evening, with wives and guests, on the occasion of our annual Foundation Evening which is traditionally held during November.  We welcomed to the meeting Shadrack Nyama, better known as Sheddy, who is currently a Rotary Peace Scholar and is studying at the University of East Anglia at Norwich.   Sheddy comes from Kenya and he was given the opportunity to come to England to further his education because of the voluntary work be carries out at home.   He started a programme is his home area to keep younger pupils in school and, with another project worker, he became a volunteer with the Rotary Club of Kilifi and helped with the building of classrooms and latrines, thereby making school more attractive to the younger pupils.   This proved very beneficial and kept children away from drugs and crime.   He explained that education was free at primary level but thereafter is had to be self financed which was beyond the reach of many students.  Once he graduates from University, Sheddy hopes to return to Kenya and continue with the work he began there.

We also welcomed the International Committee Chairman, Rotarian Malcolm Goodson and Rotarian Peter Keatinge both from the Rotary Club of Norwich St. Edmunds and Rotarian Robert Lovick, Assistant Governor East.  Malcolm spoke about the District Global Grants which are available for Clubs to assist in funding projects abroad.   His Club, with the help of a grant, was able to raise £43,000. which enabled them to refurbish old schools in Sierra Leone and also helped with the construction of fresh water wells, toilet blocks and refrigeration units.   Such projects are life changing for the villagers and  Malcolm  explained that the Grants were available for this kind of work to continue, and if several Clubs were to join together to raise funds locally, and then make application to District for a matching grant, much more could be achieved.

President Martin Keable thanked the speakers for their presentations and wished Sheddy well in his studies as the U.E.A.

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