Big Band Sound

Jonathan Wyatt Big Band in concert at the Pavilion Theatre Gorleston.

On Saturday 6th June, 2015, we sponsored the Jonathan Wyatt Big Band in concert at the Pavilion Theatre Gorleston.   As it was D-Day, Jonathan included in his programme several numbers from the Glen Miller era and soon the building was filled enthusiastically with several wartime tunes which had the audience nostalgically remembering those long gone days.   The Band has been hailed as “The Premier Band of East Anglia”, quite justly so, and we were able to raise money from the event for several different Charities that we support.    The vocalist, Phil Watson, gave several first class renditions of some of the Big Band Classics which helped the evening go with a ‘Swing’.    Our sincere thanks go to Kevin and Stuart, the theatre’s proprietors, for their generous support.   Our thanks also go to all those who supported the raffle.

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