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If you come across a fire engine outside a Diss supermarket in March, don’t panic.
You may be invited to take a closer look and even climb aboard. Serving fire service personnel in conjunction with Diss and District Rotary Club, are fundraising to send 2 purchased ex Norfolk Fire Service fire engines for a new life in Ukraine where they are desperately needed in the war-torn country. The purchase, refurbishment and re-equipment of these has been funded by the charities Actions Beyond Words and Fire Aid. They will also be laden with much needed medical aid and driven there by volunteer crews who have previously made the journey with aid supplies to Ukraine.
One of these engines is destined for Uzhhorod in western Ukraine. Although not currently in the conflict area, their old Russian built fire appliances are now beyond repair, and they suffer from a lack of modern equipment due to the priority being at the front line of the war. The hospital in the town is caring for war casualties and has benefited from previous consignments of medical aid supported by Diss Rotary driven there by Norfolk firefighters. The other appliance is heading for Odessa where the need for an additional appliance is also great as their fire station recently sustained a direct hit. This station specialises in going into high-risk areas after drone and missile attacks. Medical equipment will also be taken to the Odessa hospital where the Rotary Club have previously provided support.
Rotary club fundraisers will be with one of these fire engines outside Morrisons in Diss Friday 21st March from 9 am to 4.30 pm and on Saturday 22nd March from 9 am to 3 pm. All proceeds will go towards the cost of the fuel, the ferry and other expenses plus the costs of medical or fire equipment.
Please donate on the day or online at, where you can also read more about the activities of Diss and District Rotary club.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
A huge thank you to everyone that supported our first ever Last night at the Proms concert. We raised £3678 for charity. A big thank you to Stowmarket band who were brilliant and all the local companies that provided raffle prizes.
moreOn Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd March we will be collecting for funds to transport 2 fire engines from Norfolk to Ukraine. Further details below.
moreWatch the video below to see all the charity work Diss and District Rotary club has undertaken in the last few years
moreWe have lots of display boards for hire complete with hanging clips for framed artwork - available at a great rate and the money goes to Rotary Charities!