Young Environmentalist Competition 2025

This year's theme is 'Wonderful Water'

Our annual competition is now open for entries on the theme of 'Wonderful Water'.
One of our 2024 entrants won 2nd prize in the National Final.

The task is to undertake a project based on the theme.

Entries may be from individuals or groups of up to 4 participants

There are three age groups, set by age on 31 August 2024

Junior: up to and including 10 years old
Intermediate: 11-13 years old
Senior: 14-17 years old


Entries must be submitted by email by 21 March 2025

Click here for full details and entry forms

The document folder should open automatically and allow downloading of the files to your own device. The internet servers of some schools, including Stephen Perse Foundation, do not allow access to external Google Docs. Applicants from those schools may need to obtain the documents from home


Young Environmentalist Competition 2025 sub-pages:

Young Environmentalist Competition 2024 RESULTS

more Several of our local entrants won prizes at District level and one was 2nd in the National Final