Swimarathon swimmers raise over £14 000

Sunday 17 March 2024 at Abbeycroft Leisure Centre, BSE 12.00 - 5.00pm

Event Sponsor: The Ridley Godfrey Foundation

We congratulate Swimmers in 24 teams who raised over £14 000 in support of the following charities - 

BSE Sea Cadets

BSE Women’s Aid Centre

Cancer Research

Citizens Advice West Suffolk (2 teams)


Eden’s Youth Centre Project (2 teams)

Guide Dogs - West Suffolk

Guide Dogs - South East


Rural Coffee Caravan – Rotary Splashers

St Nicholas Hospice (3 teams)

Samaritans, BSE & West Suffolk


The Brain Tumour Charity

WSH My Wish (2 teams)

WSH Rainbow Ward (2 teams)

YA Blues, BSE Arts Society


Swimarathon 2024 – ‘how it works’

The Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds organises the event.

The costs of running the event is covered by our Event SponsorThe Ridley Godfrey Foundation -  to whom we are all extremely grateful.  

We are also grateful for support from Abbeycroft Leisure and the Bury Free Press

Adult Teams. We invite Teams of 4 to swim for a local charity of their choice, with a guideline of a maximum of 3 teams per charity to ‘spread’ the benefit across our community.  Some adult teams secure their own lane sponsorship from local companies.

School Teams. The local Secondary schools/colleges receive invitations. Once the details of their Team entries are known, we will invite local companies to sponsor a lane for a School Team with whatever they feel able to contribute.

Polices, Insurance details and Paperwork.  All can be downloaded from our Club Website, or emailed from Robert Davie:  rdavie593@btinternet.com

Lanes: we can accommodate up to 36 teams (six lanes, six sessions)

Team Organisers: each team appoints its own Team Organiser. The Team Organiser does the team ‘admin’ and is responsible for the collection of the Team’s sponsorship money and its safe delivery to their charity.

Swimarathon 2024 – the detail


Sunday March 17, 12.00 – 17.00.


Abbeycroft Leisure Centre, Beetons Way, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3YE

Organised by

The Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds.  Reg. charity number: 1026392

Swimarathon organiser

Rotarian Robert Davie:  email rdavie593@btinternet.com Tel: 07576 880822

3, St Michaels Close, Northgate St. BSE IP33 1HT


Four members, with an adult responsible as captain/team organiser.

The team captain is responsible for contact with the Swimarathon organiser.

Teams complete as many lengths as they can in 40 minutes, with only one person in the water at a time. Swimmers of all abilities welcome.

Each swimmer receives certificate & medal.

Swimmers’ sponsorship forms

Swimmers raise sponsorship. We recommend sponsorship per length swum by team. Rotary will record only the number of lengths swum.

Two forms available: ‘Young person’s’ form and an ‘Adult’ form with a gift aid section.



The Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds


Policies and Insurance

Available on our website or from the Swimarathon organiser. Copy sent to the Team Organisers in advance.

Data protection

Information supplied will be used solely for running Swimarathon 2024 and not passed on or sold to any other organisation. Team organisers will also receive an invitation to participate in Swimarathon 2025. Data on Gift-aid sheets used only as required by HMRC.

Payments to Charities

Either: direct to the Charity the team is supporting, with an email to let Robert Davie know. rdavie593@btinternet.com 

(01284 766318 or 07576 880822)

or via the Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds Community Account. Details available on request.

Robert DavieContact Robert Davie about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:


The annual Charity Golf Day for 2024 is on September 25. A joint venture organised by the RC of Bury St Edmunds and Bury Abbey RC.


Sunday 17 March 2024 at Abbeycroft Leisure Centre, BSE 12.00 - 5.00pm

Robert outside the second home, Westerley, at Woodhall Spa

Club member Robert Davie has completed cycling 640 miles for the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Homes (LWPHomes) to raise awareness in their 75th year. His route took him to the four sites at Westcliff-on-Sea, Woodhall Spa, Milborne Port and Minehead.


6.30 for 7pm Dinner - Jacket and tie requested 2nd Tuesday 5.45 to 6.30pm Fellowship
