Charter Anniversary 20th September 2023

Our 70th Anniversary Celebration

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Baldock Rotary Club is 70 years old this week and Rotarians celebrated our Charter Anniversary in great style with a black-tie dinner at the The Broadway Hotel.

Rotary President Keith Britter, acompanied by his wife Carol, was delighted to welcome our Distinguished Guests of Honour, The Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Mr Robert Voss CBE, CStJ, accompanied by Mrs Celia Voss and our Rotary District Governor Barbara Middleton.

Baldock Rotarians were pleased to also welcome fellow Rotarians representing Stevenage, Steveange-Grange and Sandy Clubs along with representatives of Letchworth Inner Wheel.

All enjoyed a sumptuous three course dinner with wine, followed by coffee and mints during which a medley of music was played by Mike O'Neil.

After the customary toasts, Rotarian John Street gave a short speech relating to the foundation of Rotary in Chigago by Paul Harris in 1905 followed by by the founding of many Rotary Clubs in our country and across the world since then. This culminated in the presentation of a Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Rotarian Alan Arnold in recognition of his 25 years service to Baldock Rotary, with the special privelage of receiving his award from the Lord Lieutenant. The award came as a complete  surprise to Alan.

We enjoyed speeches from President Keith followed by an inspiring and sometimes amusing keynote address from the Lord lieutenant explaing the history and the many facets of his role as the Representative of His Majesty The King in the County of Hertfordshire. The Lord Lieutenant is a patron of many charities.

The evening concluded with bouquets being presented to Mrs Celia Voss and to Rotary District Governor Barbara Middleton and the customary Final Toast "Rotary and Peace the World Over" being given by Vice-President Gary Blyth.

Rotaries enduring slogan is "Service above Self" and Baldock Rotary is pleased to have served our communities for the last 70 years and we will continue to do so for many years to come

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our 70th Anniversary Celebration


New member Fred Heginbotham was inducted by President Keith. Fred was member in Cape Town before coming back to England. Warmly welcomed to our Club

President Keith presenting a cheque to Marie Curie for £250

A talk given for Marie Curie by Charlotte Griggs accompanied by Pat and Warren Rosen.


President Thom Odd handed over the Presidents Chain to incoming President Keith Britter. President Keith also gave the Vice President jewel to Gary Blyth for 2023/24

Mandy & Dean with President Keith Britter, Vice President Gary Blyth and Rotarian Thom Odd

Induction & welcome to new members, Mandy & Dean Howard


District Governor Visit and Presentation of Paul Harris Fellowship Award


Our 5th Wednesday Meeting at Maltings Fish Restaurant Baldock. Rosie Boxall our Global Scholar, gave an interesting talk on how UK Universities are helping students in Ukraine continue to study for degrees.

Dean & Mandy with President Keith Britter, Vice President Gary Blythe and Rotarian Thom Odd

Induction of new members Dean & Mandy Howard


Rotary Annual Jazz Concert

President Keith and Treasurer John Wilburn giving a cheque for £250 to Sue Drew

A talk on Macular Degeneration

Rotarian Rob receiving his PHF Sapphire at the Presidents Handover Meeting

President Paul Redwood presenting Rotarian Rob Hemmings with a Paul Harris Sapphire for all the work Rob has put into the Christmas Lights and Rotary Woods


Foundation is Rotary International's own Charity Fund; the money is utilised to address major humanitarian problems around the world.


We welcome new members interested in having fun while 'giving something back' to the community. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm are the life blood of any organisation


International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.


Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community area.


An opportunity to get a litle insight into why Rotary is such a great organisation to be part of.


How Rotary has helped to eradicate Polio in the world. Baldock Rotary Club are proud to be part of this programme


An insight into how and when Baldock Rotary started in October 1953. Letchworth Club sponsored the new Baldock Club and the rest as they say is history...... Our Club has strengthened over the years, we trust it continues to exceed the vision set in 1953
