Club Service Committee

                                             Club Service Committee Team

Team Members: Peter Anstee, Miriam Johnson,Geoff Dawson,John Hardaker,Michael Gent, Vicky Bigley, David Cross, Julian Glover

 The Team will be responsible for the general Club administration, including Meals and venues. This responsibility will also include Club Events – Fifth Monday events, Christmas Dinner celebration, Meals on Wheels and any other club events suggested by members. The DG’s visit, possibly a joint meeting with Hatton club will also be arranged.

We shall pursue the encouragement of our members to consider and propose other events and visits that wives/husbands/partners may wish to participate in and enjoy as social and fellowship outings.

Members will be encouraged to support any District or Rotary GB&I events which will be handled by the Secretary. This will be the responsibility of The Secretary.

This year the organisation of weekly meeting has been split between the Secretary, Miriam and the Meals Co-ordinator, Noel. The Speaker List including Stewards roster will be produced my Miriam, Secretary. The management of attendance and apologies by club members and meal schedules will be the responsibility of Noel, Meals Co-ordinator.

The Team will follow the health and well-being of members, arranging visits to members in liaison with The President should it be necessary.

We will maintain our inter-club liaison with Inner Wheel to ensure their presence is requested at any of our social events.

We will try to ensure that the club always meets in the Rotary Spirit of fellowship and fun. We will propose to club the we have a scatter meeting in the Autumn.

As a final reminder, Club Duty Stewards are responsible for arranging speakers etc., and their hosting. They are also responsible for the Recording of payments by members for club activities including guests.

Stewards are encouraged to consider our get-together/ meetings at alternative venues, not necessarily just another speaker meeting. However sufficient notice [6 weeks] is required for The Priory, and members’ diaries.

Finally, it was felt that Rotary is not promoted adequately among the general public. We will investigate publicity days in the Swansgate and see if it is possible to encourage a marketing manager from one of the local companies to join us.

Proposed by Club Service Team,