Wild Flower Seed Sowing

Sat, Mar 9th 2024 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

We shall be helping Northampton Scouts to develop wild flower meadows in their scout ground at Overstone. Please let Jim Newton know if you will be attending.

JIm Newton has sent this message via the members only area of the club website:

Hi all
On Saturday 9th March at 10.00 the Scouts will be sowing wild Flower seeds in two activity areas. The purchase of these seeds have been funded by Rotary District 1070 Environmental Micro grant 2023/24.
Since 1945 the UK has lost 97% of its wild flower meadows and as a result ,dozens species of our bee population. Due to on going crop spraying by farmers this will be difficult to reverse. However this and other sowings like it will help in a small way help to reverse this loss.
The seeds have arrived. Two areas have been identified for sowing. A shaded wooded area and a sunny grassed area. The seeds a have been chosen for their suitability for those areas. It would be good if some Club members could assist with task.
The plan is:
Plan for sowing wild flower seeds
Mark out Areas to be sown
Prepare ground for sowing. Digging and rotator. In the grassed area mow the grass as short as possible if not dug over.
Mix seed with compost say 20 to one
By hand scatter compost with seeds on areas to be planted
In cultivated area or bare earth area stamp the seeds into the ground with feet.
In grassed areas rake or brush the seed in.

The time it takes to complete the sowing will depend on how many people are involved.
It would be useful to bring a garden fork, spade and rake. I am not sure the extent of the scout’s equipment. I suggest mark them incase they get mixed up with others
Please let me know if you can help. Thank you
Kind regards
Jim Newton
Club Environment Lead

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