Club Meeting and SGM

Fri, Nov 24th 2023 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Our club SGM. Afterwards we will be attempting to make a zoom call with our friends at Knysna Education Trust, Claire the Education Manager and hopefully some students.

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING 24th November 2023 12.15pm
(1) To receive and approve the independently examined accounts (to
follow) for the Rotary year 2022/2023
(2) To confirm Jayne Forsyth and Paul Hunt as Joint President for the
Rotary year 2024/25
(3) To elect President (Elect) Sally Smith and Pat Chacksfield in a joint role
for the Rotary year 2025/2026
(4) To elect the Junior Vice President for the Rotary year 2026/2027
(5) TO elect Richard Warr as Secretary for Rotary year 2024/5
(6) To elect Richard Arnold as Treasurer for the Rotary year 2024/2025
(7) To appoint a voting delegate and Reserve for the next RIBI annual
business meeting. Jayne Forsyth and Paul Hunt)
Richard Warr
Secretary of Rotary club of Northampton West

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club Council is the governing body of our club.

technology tournament

The focus of this committee is supporting need in the community and helping young people to develop their skills and talents.

un covid donate

Fundraising for local charities. Can you help support us?

knysna logo

Our club is involved with humanitarian and educational projects abroad.


Listed below are some of the local organisations & youth events and competitions that have been supported and promoted by the Rotary Club of Northampton West over the last few years.
