District Quiz

Mon, Oct 30th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

We shall be sending a team of 4 to participate in this District organised inter - club quiz. To be held at Wellingborough Golf CLub.

A date has been set for the District Quiz and it is Monday 30th October 6.30 for 7.00 pm. Venue is Wellingborough Golf Club.
Cost is £15 A head.
Can you let me know if you wish to be part of our team of 4.
I only entered one team but if there is more interest I am sure a second team could be accommodated.
Monies need to be paid by Friday 13th October but I am away that week so please let me know if you wish to take part by Wednesday 4th October.

Jane Forsyth

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club Council is the governing body of our club.

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The focus of this committee is supporting need in the community and helping young people to develop their skills and talents.

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Fundraising for local charities. Can you help support us?

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Our club is involved with humanitarian and educational projects abroad.


Listed below are some of the local organisations & youth events and competitions that have been supported and promoted by the Rotary Club of Northampton West over the last few years.
