Club Meeting

Fri, Jul 21st 2023 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

To be held at Northamptonshire County Golf Club, Golf Lane , Church Brampton.NN68AZ. We are to be addressed by District Governor David Kendrick.
This a joint meeting with Northampton Rotary Club.

This will be a joint meeting with Northampton Club. David Kendrick will talk about his plans for the coming year.

Next Year is the Centenary year of District 1070. We are in Area 7 and DG David Kendrick has asked our Classic Car Rally in April 2024 could be a Purple event to celebrate the 100 years

He is also looking for 100 prizes of £100 or more to go into a District Raffle. Each club will be asked to sell 500 tickets and they will get a substantial cut of the profits.

Because it is a joint meeting we have been asked to provide final numbers by Monday 17th July 2023


Chicken Ham and Leek Pie and Crème Brulee  and coffee Cost £21

Each Club will manage their own numbers

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club Council is the governing body of our club.

technology tournament

The focus of this committee is supporting need in the community and helping young people to develop their skills and talents.

un covid donate

Fundraising for local charities. Can you help support us?

knysna logo

Our club is involved with humanitarian and educational projects abroad.


Listed below are some of the local organisations & youth events and competitions that have been supported and promoted by the Rotary Club of Northampton West over the last few years.
