Club Meeting

Fri, Mar 17th 2023 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

To be held at Brampton Heath Golf Centre. Val Howe will be talking to us about how "Coats4KIds" can help children in need in local communities

Did you know that there are more than 1.1 million children living in poverty in the UK?*

For these families buying a new winter coat for their children is probably not very high on their priorities. Not when compared to paying for heating or buying food. There are many charities and things that schools can do to help with food and uniforms but not for coats. This is where Coats4Kids will step in.

Coats4Kids will give children a brand new coat. We won’t do it with a big song and dance we will simply give them a new coat. Working with schools throughout the UK we are able to identify the children in need, these are not always those on free school meals. We will provide a gift voucher which will allow them to visit our dedicated website, in September and October, where they can purchase a coat for their child, hopefully consulting with them first. The coats on offer will be of good quality and produced to last, meaning that their siblings could also use these coats.

There are many good second-hand coats that we could have used for this project but these are given a stigma and can be known as the ‘charity coat’. We don’t want that for these children, chances are this will be one of the only new things that they get. Now, think about how you feel when you get a new pair of shoes or a new suit. It makes you walk a bit taller, have more confidence and just feel a bit better about yourself.

Children cannot learn if they are not ready to learn. When they are worrying about keeping warm on the way to school or at playtime they cannot possibly be ready to learn.

By supporting Coats4Kids you will be:

  • keeping a child warm and dry

  • improve a child’s self confidence

  • prevent bullying

  • take pressure off of a family that is barely making ends meet

  • aid a child in being ready to learn

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club Council is the governing body of our club.

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The focus of this committee is supporting need in the community and helping young people to develop their skills and talents.

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Fundraising for local charities. Can you help support us?

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Our club is involved with humanitarian and educational projects abroad.


Listed below are some of the local organisations & youth events and competitions that have been supported and promoted by the Rotary Club of Northampton West over the last few years.
