A talk about the stars.

Thu, Apr 28th 2022 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

In conjunction with the Northants Electrical Society we shall be receiving a presentation using Zoom technology entitled " Why are there no green stars?"

Northants Electric Society and the Rotary Club of Northampton West are holding a joint zoom meeting. ,  Visitors and friends are welcome to join.
"Why are there no green stars
 by Paul L Money
7.30 p.m on Thursday 28th April 2022
A simple question. But the answer will astound you
Throughout lockdown Paul has delighted us with talks which are always designed so anyone can understand and enjoy. This is his 40th year and his presentations never fail to amaze and amuse even if you are not a star gazer.
Paul L Money FRAS, FBIS, is an astronomer based in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England. He is well known for his extensive talks and is the reviews editor of the BBC Sky at Night magazine. He broadcasts occasionally on BBC Radio Lincolnshire and Lincoln City Radio.
He was awarded the 'Eric Zucker' award for 2002/2003 for contributions to Astronomy by the Federation of Astronomical Societies. 
In October 2012 he was also awarded the Sir Arthur Clarke Lifetime Achievement Award by the British Rocketry Oral History Project for his active promotion of astronomy and space to the public. 
From 2004 until 2013 he was one of the three Astronomers on the Omega Holidays Northern Lights Flights and was also a Solar Eclipse Astronomer for their 2006 Turkey Solar Eclipse Trip and their 2009 China Solar Eclipse trip. 
Paul has published annually a night sky guide called Nightscenes since 2000 and more recently has become a novelist with a Ghost Mysteries series and several Sci Fi works in the pipeline.
Paul has astounded and delighted audiences at Northants Electrical Society for over 30 years and his knowledge  is nearly as vast as the universe
We would be delighted if you could join us for free. We will send out the zoom link and password with the reminder a week before. Please let me know by  emailing me direct if you want more information. The meeting will open early so people can log on with the talk starting at 19.30 prompt. 
Robin Green   

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