Club Walk

Mon, Nov 22nd 2021 at 1:30 am - 3:00 pm

Assemble at the car park at the the east side of the church at Great Brington, NN&4JB, for an easy walk across the pathways of Brington Parish. Afterwards coffee and desserts can be taken at the Saracens Head, Little Brington. Club organsier is Jean Dunn.

The next Rotary walk will be on Monday 22nd November starting at 1.30pm at Great Brington Church (NN7 4JB). It is about two miles long and takes approximately one hour, with no stiles. If you care to bring your binoculars if you have them there are good views of the very large herds of deer at Althorp with stags displaying some excellent antlers at the moment. Unless we have a lot of rain between now and then stout walking shoes should suffice. There is parking at the back and front of the church which will accommodate about 15 cars, we shall meet at the back of the church.

Afterwards if you wish we could go to the Saracens Head at Little Brington (NN7 4HS) about one mile away. Unfortunately they do not do tea and cakes, but you could have a hot drink and/or dessert (sticky toffee pudding with salted caramel sauce and honeycomb ice cream, chocolate brownie with raspberry coulis and ice cream or cookies and cream cheesecake, all at £6 each) for those who have worked up an appetite, and obviously use the facilities.

Could you please let me know by the 17th November if you would like to go on the walk and/or the pub as they would like to know numbers, though the restaurant has been reserved for us.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club Council is the governing body of our club.

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The focus of this committee is supporting need in the community and helping young people to develop their skills and talents.

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Fundraising for local charities. Can you help support us?

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Our club is involved with humanitarian and educational projects abroad.


Listed below are some of the local organisations & youth events and competitions that have been supported and promoted by the Rotary Club of Northampton West over the last few years.
