A full house at the Ashby Bistro on Thursday 9 January heard two potential young leaders describe their week at Grafham Water on a Rotary Young Leadership Awards Course in August last year.
Bethany Bradford, 19, the first speaker, said ‘During my first day I saw a big change in myself and it is safe to say that within a week my whole life had been changed. The course was intensive and achieved the planned outcome. I had an amazing time, pushing myself to try new things. I was disappointed to leave and if I could go and do it all again I would. It was the best week of my life!’
Bethany went on ‘The course has given me confidence that I didn’t know I had and the ability to deliver presentations, both qualities that has helped me to progress in my job.’ After leaving King Edward’s School in Coalville, she had been employed in reception at Mander Cruikshank solicitors in Coalville. Since completing the RYLA course she has been promoted to be a paralegal and has enrolled on a law course to further her career.
Katie McGill, also 19, and a former pupil at Ivanhoe and Ashby Schools followed Bethany. She is currently at York St John University, studying English Literature and creative writing. Katie said ‘I had little knowledge of what the RYLA course entailed but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Like Bethany, my presentation skills have vastly improved through the confidence-building support provided by the course tutors.’
Both girls remarked on the friendships they had made and also the team-building aspects of many of the activities during the week. They thanked the Rotary clubs for giving them this unique opportunity that they had found most valuable.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership development programme run by Rotary for young people. It is a week-long intensive course that enables them to push themselves and to develop life skills whilst gaining confidence in building and maintaining relationships in both their personal and professional lives.
While RYLA is a worldwide initiative, each Rotary District organises the venue and programme. Local candidates aged 18-26 were selected and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ashby de la Zouch, Ashby Castle Club and Coalville Belvoir Club at no cost to the candidate or their family.
MC for the evening, Rotarian Ruth Andre-Evans, congratulated Bethany and Katie for the professionalism of their presentations. She also reminded the audience to recommend young people to apply to Rotary for a place on the RYLA course which is an annual event.
Applications should be made to Rotary Clubs by young people themselves, their parents, teachers or employers. There is no cost to them!