In late November 2023 10 teams from schools local to Solihull competed for the first round of the Annual Rotary Debating Competition which is known as Youth Speaks
The Rotary Club of Solihull StAlphege held the Competition at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Solihull and it was very well attended with over 100 people present.
There were two levels: Intermediate and Senior. 5 teams competed in each level.
The winners of the Intermediate level were from Alderbrook School who debated in a very amusing way whether Pineapple should go on Pizza. The Chair was Cameron Worrall, Leeya Jethwa spoke for the motion and Megan Bavin spoke against.
The winners of the Senior level were from King Edward VI Handsworth Girls. They debated the motion that "This House believes that colour blind casting has effectively improved racial representation in TV and films". The Chair was Sophia Okoosi-Dunn, Lilia Torrens-Pal proposed the motion and Amal Khan opposed.
Judging was from members of Heart of England Toastmasters. Steve Day, Marie Husbands and Abbey Brinklow. Before the announcement of the winners the chair of the judges gave a speech complimenting all competitors on their skills but emphasising the need to make the most of the floor and to engage with the audience and to project ones voice and to avoid just reading from a script.
The prizes sponsored by the Rotary Club of Solihull St Alphege were awarded by President Brian Bates.
more On Monday 10th February we held an Intermediate Round of the Youth Speaks Competition
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more November 2012 update
back Our Committee is dedicated to helping youth in our area to maximise their potential