Glee Club

Our own special brand of Entertainment

Our Glee Club was formed as a “social” choir in 2002 for Club purposes.  It then extended their repertoire and expertise by recruiting retired head teacher Linda Davidson to be their musical accompaniment.  Starting with performances at local Old Folks Clubs their “fame” spread throughout the Northeast of Scotland bringing invitations to functions throughout the area.  They are in great demand to perform their unique brand of musical, choral and comedic entertainment and have given almost 250 performances since they formed.  While not specifically a fund-raising group, over recent years, they have raised around £25,000 for a wide range of charitable purposes. 

In 2014 they featured in a concert organised by Banff Rotary raising funda for Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign and to develop international relationshops at Banff High School.   Several photos in their gallery are taken from the YouTube video of that perfromance.

On 7th January 2016 water levels on the River Don reached their highest levels in 45 years during a night of severe floods caused by heavy rain.  Some 38 properties in Port Elphinstone were evacuated overnight and the impact of the floods was devastating for those affected.   The Rotary Club of Inverurie made a commitment to provide some financial relief to the victims and the Glee Club organised a Variety Concert in the town hall on 19th February to raise funds.   The concert was a sell out and a great success raising £7,000 on the night.  The Club contributed a further £3,128, including £1,250 raised in a street collection, and a £1,000 donation from Rotary Club of Buckie brought the total raised for the flood relief project to over £11,000.

This year, following a moving presentation on conditions in war-torn Ukraine by Erik Avetisovm President of the RC Kharkiv International, the Glee Club members decided to raise funds for Ukrainian projects.  Erik is attending meeting of Ythan Valley Rotary and this week we donated £1,100 which will go direct to RC Kharkiv International to support projects where they are most needed.   The photo gallery includes some of the current seven Glee Club members performing at the Donbank Ward in Inverurie in December and club member Joe McDowall presenting Erik with the donation.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We've been supporting global humanitarian projects since 1953

Our Performers in Action

Our own special brand of Entertainment

Volunteers at Work

This year Rotary's theme is "Serve to Change Lives". One of the many ways we do this is by volunteering our services to community groups, for fundraising activities and for general support where our community needs us.


Summary of the Club's Environmental Activities


In recent weeks we've been fundraising for two fantastic charities - the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.


New item added 4th May - Report from AGM.


Results of our Annual Primary Schools Quiz

We have a broad range of social activities

Social activities are a key part of our club.


Annual fun day out for disadvantaged children (and their helpers!).

Young Photographer Winners 2022 - 2023

Winners of our Youth Competitions

World Polio Day

Rotary is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Some of the children receiving their Shoeboxes, Christmas 2020

Our annual project to send gift boxes to needy families in Eastern Europe
