Primary School Quiz

Results of our Annual Primary Schools Quiz



Winners Strathburn Primary School

On Thursday, Strathburn Primary won the Inverurie and District School Quiz, with Uryside in second place  followed by Port Elphinstone.  The scores were 100, 99 and 98 out of 120, so there were only 2 points between 1st and 3rd.    Strathburn will represent our district in the North East of Scotland round on Saturday 22nd April -again at the Inverurie Community Campus.  The winner of that quiz will go on to the North of Scotland District finals which covers 90 clubs from the River Forth to the Orkney and Shetland Islands.

Well done to all the teams that took park and Good Luck to Strathburn for the next round!


Winners Keithhall Primary School

Keithhall Primary School were the worthy winners of our Primary School Quiz on Friday.  We had 9 teams from 6 local schools in a hard-fought competition and Keithhall managed to turn the tables on Uryside who beat them two years ago before the Covid restrictions.  Uryside Team A came second closely followed by Strathburn B.

Keithhall will now go on to the District Final in the Beach Ballroom Aberdeen on 11th June when they will face over 25 schools from across the north of Scotland. Many thanks to all who helped and to the staff of Uryside school who hosted the event.  

Well done to all the teams who participated and Best of Luck to Keithhall for the District Final.


Winners Uryside Primary School

At the end of February our annual Primary Schools Quiz was won by Uryside.   But lockdown was imposed before we were able to present the school with the engraved shield – but that was done later.  

There were nine teams from Chapel of Garioch, Keithhall, Kellands, Port Elphinstone, Strathburn and Uryside (three of the larger schools with two teams).   Quizmaster Joe McDowall was in top form as indeed were the teams!   After an hour, Keithhall and Uryside 1, finished equal on 85 points and even after a deciding round finished equal again. By now the supporters crowding around the hall were up on their hind legs shouting encouragement – what drama!  Final decider – sudden death!  

Both teams stood to the front – silent tension then “What is the 19th letter of the alphabet?”  A split second later, a voice from the Uryside team shouted ‘S’.   A correct answer in an instant!   Wow! There was no doubt who won and Uryside was presented with the trophy by Rotary President Iain Mathers. 

How could the young lad come up with the answer so quickly?  He modestly replied, shrugging his shoulders “Well, I knew that T was Twentieth”!  Easy when you know how, eh? 

'What We Do' Main Pages:

In recent weeks we've been fundraising for two fantastic charities - the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.


New item added 4th May - Report from AGM.


Results of our Annual Primary Schools Quiz

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Summary of the Club's Environmental Activities

World Polio Day

Rotary is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Some of the children receiving their Shoeboxes, Christmas 2020

Our annual project to send gift boxes to needy families in Eastern Europe
