Fundraising for Life-saving Charities

In recent weeks we've been fundraising for two fantastic charities - the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.

In recent weeks, we have been actively fundraising for both the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance (SCAA) and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI).

For SCAA, we set up an online JustGiving page with a pledge that we would match £ for £ up to £500 of online donations.  We promoted this campaign via our Facebook page and it ran for a bit more than a month.  We topped up the funds raised by our pledge.  In addition we received a donation from the Cushnie Shooting Syndicate which no longer operates and they donated the balance of their funds - an additional £1,300.

For RNLI, we were asked if we could provide volunteers to set up a collection stand at Aldi supermarket in Inverurie for 2 days in May.  We readily agreed to this and 21st and 22nd May we had 14 Club Members on a rota at the supermarket.   Not only did this raise funds of £500, it also gave Club members the opportunity to meet (socially distanced and masked) face to face for the first time since the start of the pandemic.  At each shift changeover, a different group of 4 Rotarians were able to meet and greet each other and spend a little time catching up - or even meeting new Club members for the first time!   A very welcome small step towards normality.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We've been supporting global humanitarian projects since 1953

Our Performers in Action

Our own special brand of Entertainment

Volunteers at Work

This year Rotary's theme is "Serve to Change Lives". One of the many ways we do this is by volunteering our services to community groups, for fundraising activities and for general support where our community needs us.


Summary of the Club's Environmental Activities


In recent weeks we've been fundraising for two fantastic charities - the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.


New item added 4th May - Report from AGM.


Results of our Annual Primary Schools Quiz

We have a broad range of social activities

Social activities are a key part of our club.


Annual fun day out for disadvantaged children (and their helpers!).

Young Photographer Winners 2022 - 2023

Winners of our Youth Competitions

World Polio Day

Rotary is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Some of the children receiving their Shoeboxes, Christmas 2020

Our annual project to send gift boxes to needy families in Eastern Europe
