Club Social Activities

Social activities are a key part of our club.


Our Club is not just about fund-raising and charitable support.   The social side of the Club is very important to our members although this has obviously been restricted because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

That has not stopped us however as we’ve turned to Zoom for some of our usual and some not so usual activities.   Some of the recent activities that have had to take a back seat for the time being are:

  • Theatre visits to HM Theatre in Aberdeen and Eden Court Theatre in Inverness
  • Sports competitions such as golf and curling
  • External visits such as to Tom’s Forest Quarry, the new Community Campus construction site and the Pitscurry Garden Project

On the other hand, the power of Zoom has let us go virtual with many other activities:

  • Our meetings have continued with much less formality, albeit without a meal.  Zoom has enabled us to have speakers from Edinburgh, London, Spain and Australia.
  • In the summer we held our own Mad Hatter’s Tea Party with prizes for best headgear and afternoon tea spread.
  • Our regular St Andrew’s Night Dinner, Christmas Meal and Burns Supper have been transformed into fantastic virtual events.  These have included full programmes of entertainment by both our in-house Glee Club and by well-known entertainers and speakers from across Scotland.
  • The annual inter-club Gavel Competition covering clubs across Scotland north of the River Forth went ahead as a quiz but unfortunately our team didn’t reach its full potential ending up mid-table.
  • And it is fair say that a local whisky and gin tasting event hosted by the Inverurie Whisky Shop to raise some funds for Charlie House went down a treat.

If you’re interested to join either click on the MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRY via the red box at the foot of the Main Club page, send us a message via our Facebook page, contact any of our club members or email us direct at and we’ll get back to you.  Nothing could be easier!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

New item added 4th May - Report from AGM.


Results of our Annual Primary Schools Quiz

We have a broad range of social activities

Social activities are a key part of our club.


Annual fun day out for disadvantaged children (and their helpers!).

Young Photographer Winners 2022 - 2023

Winners of our Youth Competitions


We've been supporting global humanitarian projects since 1953

Our Performers in Action

Our own special brand of Entertainment

Volunteers at Work

This year Rotary's theme is "Serve to Change Lives". One of the many ways we do this is by volunteering our services to community groups, for fundraising activities and for general support where our community needs us.


Summary of the Club's Environmental Activities


In recent weeks we've been fundraising for two fantastic charities - the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.

World Polio Day

Rotary is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Some of the children receiving their Shoeboxes, Christmas 2020

Our annual project to send gift boxes to needy families in Eastern Europe
