End Polio Now Campaign

Rotary is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Since 1985 Rotary has been a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, that has spanned 200 countries, used 20 million volunteers, immunised over 2 billion children, probably spared 5 million from disability and averted more than a million deaths. Today, Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only countries where polio remains endemic.

The purple crocus is a symbol of the worldwide campaign with its colour representing the dye used to mark the finger of a child who has been immunised.   A life-saving oral polio vaccine cost is just 20p.

Our Club has been donating to the End Polio Now campaign since it started and has donated over £40,000 to date.  We also try to publicise the campaign annually on World Polio Day and by planting purple crocuses around the town to remind everybody that there is still work to be done to wipe it out completely.

This year we are offering bags of crocus corms to schools and organisations to plant themselves.  We can help or advice on the planting, and we’ve already planted 1,000 with the Service Users at the Pitscurry Project.   Uryside, St Andrew’s and Keithhall schools are lined up for after the October holidays.

All we ask in return is a few photos of the crocuses being planted (and some next spring when they flower) to help us publicise the campaign.  So, if you want to get involved in some crocus planting, just get in touch via our website or Facebook page.

We published a short video on our Facebook page and if you click on the image below it will take you there.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Annual fun day out for disadvantaged children (and their helpers!).

Young Photographer Winners 2022 - 2023

Winners of our Youth Competitions


We've been supporting global humanitarian projects since 1953

Our Performers in Action

Our own special brand of Entertainment

Volunteers at Work

This year Rotary's theme is "Serve to Change Lives". One of the many ways we do this is by volunteering our services to community groups, for fundraising activities and for general support where our community needs us.


Summary of the Club's Environmental Activities


In recent weeks we've been fundraising for two fantastic charities - the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.


New item added 4th May - Report from AGM.


Results of our Annual Primary Schools Quiz

We have a broad range of social activities

Social activities are a key part of our club.

World Polio Day

Rotary is a spearheading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Some of the children receiving their Shoeboxes, Christmas 2020

Our annual project to send gift boxes to needy families in Eastern Europe
