Ann Jones on Early Diagnosis for Cancer

Tue, Jun 25th 2019 at 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

Ann Jones
Macmillan Lead Project Officer for Cancer
Desk:- Tony Webb
Vote of Thanks & Speakers Report:-Mike Houlston
Raffle:- Geoff Parsons

Betty Stevenson receiving a Wheelchair from Nantwich Rotary

     Treasurer John Meadows announced that the Club had received a bequest from the estate of Betty Stevenson for £13086 to be used for Local Charities. Older members will remember that the Club had donated a Wheelchair to Betty in 2010, when she was in Elm House in recognition of the help she had given to the Old Folk of Nantwich over many years.

     David Fishburne reported that Rod Stokes, Robin Lawson, with Marion and himself attended the Open Day at the Neuro Muscular Centre at Winsford, which proved to be very informative. Many of the staff are disabled, but are able to hold down responsible jobs. Apart from intensive physiotherapy, they do a wide range of activities such as cooking, printing design, IT, gardening, and have a ‘Men In Sheds’ area where garden furniture is made for sale and a crafts area. Over a year they treat nearly 800 patients with over 9,000 hours of treatment. They are reliant on a Fund raising team and the principal event for the past 23 years has been Matthew Kelly hosting the Spirit of Christmas Concert at Cheater Cathedral. 

Ann Jones from the NHS gave an informative powerpoint presentation on the 'Early Diagnosis of Cancer' details are given below:-

upimages/clubfiles/305/Early Diagnosis of Cancer Ann Jones.pptx

'What We Do' Main Pages:

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Our club engages with local schools in a number of initiatives, which benefit young people in Nantwich.

Weeding in Nantwich riverside

The environment is Rotary's newest Area of Focus from July 2021.
