Michael - John Parkin The Nantwich Show

Tue, Jun 4th 2019 at 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

David Fishburne introduces Michael - John Parkin to speak about The Nantwich Show
Desk:- Christine Crowe
Vote of Thanks:- Geoff Parsons
Raffle:- Robin Lawson

 President Michael read out a letter from Robert Eardley stating that in view of his continued time spent in Sheffield looking after his son and his business affairs, he feels that he should resign from the Club until circumstances change.

Rod Stokes proposed that Robert should be made an Honorary Member of the Club in recognition of all the work he has done in the past. This was approved unanimously by all members present.

Rod also announced that Mike Houlston had agreed to take over the Community Services Committee for next year and would therefore be joining Club Council.

The speaker Michael-John Parkin gave a very interesting review of the history of the Nantwich Show covering its development over the years and its financial problems due to inclement weather and Foot and Mouth Disease outbreaks. A fuller report of Michael –John’s talk will follow.

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Our club engages with local schools in a number of initiatives, which benefit young people in Nantwich.

Weeding in Nantwich riverside

The environment is Rotary's newest Area of Focus from July 2021.
