International Service covers our efforts to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the world. It includes everything from emergency relief to areas hit by natural disasters to longer term efforts to develop communities' ability to sustainably help themselves.
Rotary International encourages Rotary clubs to develop projects that address priority needs identified by the communities they serve, to help people help themselves, and to ensure projects are environmentally sustainable.
Supporting Rotary run projects is the most effective way that we can provide humanitarian aid, Rotarians give their time and expertise for free with little or no overhead costs thus ensuring that more of the funds donated go to those in need.
International Service Projects support the main Rotary focus areas of: Peacekeeping and conflict prevention, Disease prevention and treatment, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Maternal and child health, Basic education and literacy, Community economic development and Environment.
Please click on the focus area icons to the right where you will find a selection of Rotary run projects for consideration.
more From ShelterBox Rotary District 1010 Coordinator, P. Kerr Fulton-Peebles
more Request for Support for Avoidable Blindness Treatment Grant
more Rotary Club of Boudha in Nepal invitation
more Make time, make tea, make a difference this year. Raise money for people affected by disaster.
more Rotary-specific ways in which to help. (2 pages below this)
more Supporting communities in crisis
more Information for 2024 (1 page below this)
more (2 pages below this)
more The Sand Dams Project in District 1010