Peter Hartley 28th November 2024
Peter Hartley 12 August 24
It was with great sadness that we were advised of the passing of Roger Walker on Friday 12th July 2024 in Stoke hospital ,where he had undergone open-heart surgery a few weeks prior.
The Rotary Club of Manchester has had many dedicated Rotarians who have never been President - people who just wanted to be good Rotarians. Roger Walker was one of them.
Roger joined the Club in 1976, 48 years a member! Out of a very busy business and family life he gave what he could to the Club. He was a magistrate in Manchester and he succeeded his father in the family business printing display and advertising cards.
For a long time he was secretary of our golf section and its continued survival was very much thanks to him. When help was needed with fund raising collections or support for a project, Roger was always there to help whenever possible. In recent years he was much involved in helping to organise the very popular fellowship dinners each month. This is all in addition to being a valuable member of our Club council for many years.
Roger was recognised by his peers for the work he put into the club and was made a Paul Harris Fellow and was duly awarded the pin and certificate at the end of June 2012.
Roger was a friendly, outgoing person socially who worked away quietly in the background. He was, in short, a very good and valued Rotarian who wanted to put something back to society.
We in Rotary, and indeed the whole world needs more people like him. Thank you Roger for everything you gave to Rotary and for being our friend.
Roger was also involved in later years with the school he attended -Rossall School in Fleetwood,Lancs.
The following was posted on their website.
We are unfortunate to hear of the passing of Old Rossallian and former Rossallian Club President Roger Walker (M, 1957-61) who sadly passed away on Friday, 12th July 2024. Roger was a proud Old Rossallian and was instrumental in shaping the Rossallian Club as we know it today.
Ernie Metcalfe
On the 11th July , a new member was inducted at the Manchester Hall. Chris Morley , who is a retired solicitor and has been to a number of our meetings became a member .President Royston did the induction from his home in Switzerland via Zoom . 1st VP & Secretary Goran congratulated Chris ands presented him with his Rotary badge and welcome brochure.
Another evening of good food and fellowship was enjoyed one again at this favourite restaurant. Thanks to Indra for arranging !
Our next Open Day is on Saturday 4th November 2023
Twice a year, in the Spring and the Autumn, we open the doors to offer guided tours of Francis House and Francis Lodge.
Tours conducted by members of the care team reveal the incredible facilities on offer including the creative therapy room, cinema rooms and two state-of-the-art Snoezelen multi-sensory rooms providing soothing sounds and tactile experiences to the children and young adults who come to us with a range of conditions.
"Walking around it immediately felt like you were at home rather than a hospice. Every single staff member we met was warm, welcoming and clearly cared greatly about the job they did and the children and young adults that they supported. We were taken aback by the facilities on offer. For me, it was incredible to see the thought put into accessibility. No matter what disability a young person may have, they would have the option to use the sensory rooms, the computers, and all other equipment because of the accessible technology. A truly humbling experience and one that has inspired me and all on the charity committee to raise as much money as possible for Francis House."
Rick Gilbert, Neuven Group
Built in 1991, our home-from-home environment now boasts digital equipment in all of the bedrooms to cater for the growing needs of the children and young people.
Beautifully furnished family flats within the grounds enable parents and family members to relax close-by whilst their child is lovingly cared for by our hospice team.
We support more than 550 families from across Greater Manchester and in 2014 we opened a further seven bedrooms in Francis Lodge for teenagers and young adults.
We invite anyone wanting to learn more about the care that we provide to come along anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Refreshments and merchandise will also be available to purchase in the hall.
No children or young people use the Hospice for respite during the Open Days.
On Friday 18th August I was collecting for Francis House Children's Hospice at Tesco , East Didsbury
I was joined by Keith ,another supporter of the charity that lives around the corner from the Hospice.
The star attraction, who came to assist for the last hour was Francis Mouse , the charities' mascot .Rachel Nasiri (the mouse) kept up her dancing for the whole hour which certainly helped stop the children to watch and the parents to donate ! We collected almost £170 for the charity
On the 3rd August 2023 we had a Fellowship outing to the RHS Bridgewater Gardens at Worsley. In total there were 13 of us enjoyed an afternoon at the amazing gardens.
Photos are already on the website :-
We got an email the evening before asking if we could meet a special guest from the Ukraine . Viktor Smyrnov , a blind athlete of the Paralympic swimming team from the Ukraine ,who was in Manchester for the championships joined us along with a couple of friends ,who could translate .Viktor is a multiple Paralympic champion of the World and a European champion. He has gained numerous National awards including the Hero of Ukraine with order of Golden Star (Oct 2004) . He has competed at 2 Paralympic games, winning 10 medals - 5 of them gold in the 2004 summer paralympics
Viktor is also president of the Rotary Club of Slavyansk, Ukraine - a club that was chartered in 1999
Members were able to ask Viktor lots of questions via the interpreter over lunch
Peter Hartley August 2023
Chevening Scolarships are the UK Government's global scholarship programme ,funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office & partner organisations. .The Scholarships are awarded to outstanding scholars with leadership potential.
One such Scholar is Nirhad Sarmini and he and a colleague joined us on the 10th August as they are studying at Manchester University
Nirhad , who is from Syria , gave us a thought provoking talk & update on the earthquake response and current situation in Syria - A Rotary disaster appeal that our club supported .
On the 13th July 23 Glass Crumpet visited the Club. Founded in 2022 Glass Crumpet is a Manchester based comedy group with an ethos of making comedy available to everyone, regardless of income.
James Tangye, Tom Roberts, Will Rice, Justin Glenister & Elena Courtney are Glass Crumpet!
James & Justin were jointly awarded the Mike Craig award by Susan Craig (a member of our Club) & the RC of Manchester for comedy writing. All the members of this group attended and told us of their plans to appear at the Edinburgh Fringe in August & possibly start a podcast, as well as using social media & getting gigs wherever they can. Future plans include registering as a Limited Liability Partnership & using their platform to promote important societal discussions about men's mental health issues as well as providing a platform for female comedians , LQBTQ and those with ethnic minority backgrounds .
Some videos of their work:-
P HARTLEY July 2023
On the 12th May 2023 President Robin, Roger & Christine Walker and Secretary Peter had lunch at The Aspire Restaurant , Trafford - A venue our Club have had numerous fellowship events at. Apart from enjoying lunch ,the purpose was to present the tutor in charge , John Pitt , with a certificate, photograph & set of chef's knives from our Club before he retired at the end of June 23 .It was in recognition of his amazing skills at teaching the students at the College. The certificate from our Club read " For outstanding service to the students of Trafford College"
Happy Retirement John !
Francis House Childrens' Hospice held their open day on the 15th May 2023 . It was a brilliant opportunity to have a look around this amazing facility that help so many children, young adults & families cope with the challenges they face. It was a humbling experience seeing the generous gifts of toys , computers, musical instruments and much more that the public and companies have given to make life that little bit more enjoyable as they cope with their various health problems. Francis House supports approximately 2,000 people at any one time with respite care, home care, sibling support, end of life care and emotional and bereavement support .It was an opportunity to meet ,once again, the CEO Revd David Ireland ,Kate Puc & Julie Williams from the fundraising team. Our last contribution was helping them with their Easter Chick appeal.
Peter Hartley
The Rotary club of Manchester recently had The Right Rever end Prof. David Walker, Bishop of Manchester as our speaker. He gave an interesting talk giving his ecumenical journey leading up to his appointment in 2013 as Bishop of Manchester. In the photo he is greeted by President Robin Graham and Mayor of Trafford and Rotarian Chris Boyes.
24th March 2023
The Urban Crew event took place today with 11 primary schools going to Manchester Communication Academy for a ‘business day’. Each school has a task (such as making and selling keyrings /door hangers / badges /Easter cards ) and has a teacher to help and guide them to succeed in their task. Five members of the Rotary Club of Manchester (President- Robin Graham / Sarah Withington / Helen Roberts/ Barbara Rosenthal/ Peter Hartley ) and Sanni Adedokun (A rotary club member of Omole Golden, Lagos, Nigeria) attended and went to each school group , to see how they are getting on, ask questions and offer ideas, but in particular to see which school team works best together. Then after lunch schoolchildren , teachers and our members go to look at each group and buy the items they have made using fake money. The children in the groups get quite vocal as they all try and get the attention of the customers to try and sell their product. The winning groups are scored on how successful they have been in promoting their product and a key factor is how they have worked together as a team . Prizes are chosen for the top three groups which also include their turnover & profit .
A brilliant event that is a joy to see them so well behaved and all intent on being a winning team !
The Rotary Club of Manchester supported this initiative again this year. Members and friends, very kindly, donated money that enabled me to buy Cadbury Crème eggs from Tesco, as they were the cheapest source this year.
I spoke to the manager at Tesco, Handforth Dean and, having explained the cause for fundraising, they very kindly donated 480 eggs that I had in my trolley , which would have cost £190 !
I was able to deliver a total of 1170 crème eggs to Francis House!
Francis House has a team of volunteers that knit or crochet little chicks and an egg is put inside each one. They are then sent to schools and companies that sell these for between £1 and £2 and the monies all go to the Hospice. They have a volunteer base of friends that deliver these on trays and then collect the monies at a later date before Easter. There are four members of our club that assist with this – so thank you very much!
So, our crème eggs could be worth approximately £ 1300- 1400. A remarkable achievement for a superb cause.
Kate Puc & Julie Williams with our delivery A couple of knitted chicks
Francis House Children’s Hospice have their next open day on the 15th May 2023 when the public is invited to see how the donations help to support hundreds of families from across Greater Manchester
Our Club has been sponsoring a girl in Tanzania for a number of years
I attach the latest photograph of Happy Juma Suma and an update on her and her family
Please click the link to open update
If any member wishes to send her a letter or communication, please send to me and I will onforward to Plan International
Peter Hartley 16th Feb 2023
The First fellowship of the New Year
Our first fellowship meeting in January 2023 was at Piccolino Restaurant in Bramhall .Ten club members enjoyed the ambience and excellent food and ,as a bonus, the food was half price during the month !
Thanks to Indra Gupta for organising the event & to the members that supported it
A brilliant response from our members to our Xmas 2022 appeal for children of families on the books of Wood Street Mission,Manchester to receive Xmas presents that may otherwise have received none !
The photo below shows some of the toys and books taken to Wood Street for parents to choose presents for their children.
A superb result with gifts totalling over £550 . Thank you to those members that supported this amazing charity
The Francis House Festival of Trees opened on Saturday October 29 2022, with the aim of encouraging members of the public to place bids on the trees, each packed with vouchers, experiences, signed baubles, hampers and handmade gifts. All proceeds go to Francis House Children's Hospice
One again the Rotary Club of Manchester donated a tree along with decorations and gifts.
The tree was tastefully decorated in the bold Rotary colours of blue and gold, and the tree would have topped up anyone's tipple cabinet very nicely!
Included with the tree was :-
A bottle of Glenlivet Founder's Reserve Single Malt Scotch Whisky
A bottle of Chivas Regal 12 year old blended Scotch Whisky
Three bottles of limited edition Bolton Gin Co. Blue Raspberry Gin, created in commemoration of 100 years of Rotary in Bolton
2 x Queen Elizabeth ll memorial tree decorations
This tree went to the highest bidder - which was £130 !
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Read all about our club activities in this publication