Hubble raises funds for Rotary Charity

"End Polio Now" has received a welcome boost from donations from other Rotary Clubs who have booked our own member, Tony Bell, to speak on the Hubble telescope.

The Hubble Telescope

Currently Tony has spoken to 34 Rotary clubs all over the UK. He also has 2 or 3 more in-the-pipeline. He usually attends the recipient club, by Zoom, for about 95 to 120 minutes

His talk preparation & research took several weeks and continual updates have been added throughout.

Lots of talks were given in Scotland with the furthest North being Dingwall high up on the Murray Firth. The furthest South being Plympton; East being Tyneside and West Southport.

Wales has had a fair share and notably Cardiff Bay gave a colleague from our Club and me an amazing evening full of laughter, music and true Rotary Fellowship. 

A very enjoyable evening was spent as a joint presentation with Glossop, his home Club, and Currie & Bellano RC just south of Edinburgh which allowed our members to taste the superb experiences of talking and socialising with so many clubs which would normally be impossible  in non-pandemic times.

He normally screen shares and recipients are on mute. An amusing exception was one club who didn’t mute and who had a member listening with their partner clanking away on what sounded like dishes being washed. Suddenly the dog started barking and the member blurted out “Shut up you stupid dog“ which was misinterpreted by the washer and a blazing row started which stopped the presentation dead for several minutes.

The webinars have been given without charge and Tony has asked that if any club or person enjoyed it then he’d be delighted if they’d make a donation to The End  Polio Now Campaign which has been close to his heart from it’s inception about 40 years ago.

Glossop Rotary Club have been directly sent over £700 which has been forwarded to The Foundation’s End Polio Now Campaign.  Many clubs have indicated that they have directly forwarded monies to the fund which makes it difficult to be certain how much has been donated but he would estimate that the true figure could easily be somewhere in the region of £1200.

Tony has regularly been accompanied on his talks with a close Rotary friend which has been excellent company and quite regularly by our Presidents and other Glossop members which has been a true Rotary Privilege.

All in all a superb experience and whilst very time consuming has been great fun and well worth it all.   He hopes the very generous donations from many Clubs and friends has made the whole project a truly positive contributor to the End Polio Now Campaign.

Watch the NASA video:

'What We Do' Main Pages:

from left: Gill Redfern of Glossop Rotary Club delivering the PPE for St. Christophers Trust and Blythe House Hospice

LtoR: Gill Redfern of Glossop Rotary Club delivering the PPE for St. Christopher's Trust and Blythe House Hospice

Pam Joyce of Disaster Aid UK receives a cheque for £2,700, the proceeds of our collections, personal donations and club donations.

Pam Joyce of Disaster Aid UK receives a cheque for £2,700 from President Gill. This was the proceeds of our collections, personal donations and our club donation.


2 centre litter collection in Glossop

The final Collection of shoes

Glossop Rotary Club have collected over 360 pairs of shoes towards our District Shoe Aid campaign.

Two Pakistan Appeals

We have donated £1,000 to Disaster Aid UK & Ireland and £1,000 to The Rotary Disaster Recovery Trust

The Team

President Alan handed a cheque to GMR following our recent fund raising

Newly acquired defibrillator

Glossop Rotary Club has made a small contribution towards the new defibrillator installation at the Pilates Studio in Glossop

Presidents Choice - Austin A12 (1929)

Joint event with the High Peak Classic Car Group

Winnie Mabaso and Lisa Ashton MBE Founder and CEO of the Foundation

We have donated £2,000 to this amazing charity chaired Lisa Ashton MBE

Medecines San Frontieres reaches out in Beirut

A donation of £400 has been sent to Medecines San Frontieres for their relief work in Beirut

Community Service Chair. Alan Conchie presenting Daniel Barton with our donation.

Community Service Chair. Alan Conchie presenting Daniel Barton with our donation.

Crocus Planting 2023

Recognition of the importance of eliminating Polio from the World, only 9 case left; cases still in Pakistan & Afghanistan.

Recipents: Alison, Hadfield Infants; Sandra, Henry Street Harriers; President Gill; Leanne, St Philip Howard Catholic Voluntary Academy

Local schools and organisations fund raising recognition and trophies

Technology Group

Delivering essential supplies across a crocodile infested river for Shelterbox


Novelty Pig Racing event to raise funds for the Rotary Foundation and Polio eradication

Karen Rigg(Rotary), Jacob Meaton(DOSportUK), Jill Bedford(Tom’s mother), Gill Redfern(Vice-President, Rotary)

£500 was donated to this deserving organisation which arranges sports activities for disabled members

Lisa Ashton MBE receives the cheque from President Alan

A cheque for £2,000 was awarded to the charity from the monies from the Glossop Jog 2023

President Gill and Charlotte Mendes-Kelly of the Glossopdale Food Bank

Donation of £202 To Charlotte Mendes-Kelly

concert and local organisations beneficiaries

Some of the beneficiaries and sponsorship for the concert

The Hubble Telescope

"End Polio Now" has received a welcome boost from donations from other Rotary Clubs who have booked our own member, Tony Bell, to speak on the Hubble telescope.


Breakdown of the monies raised and expended in 2023 to 2024

President Derek handing the cheque for £3,000 to Pam Joyce of Disaster Aid UK&I

Glossop RC collection for the disaster over 4 days at Aldi and M&S


Inter school garden competition for Primary and Junior Schools


Glossop Rotary hosted the District 1285 meal pack event on Sunday April 14th

Members of the Pan disability team

This year's award was made at "The Place" at Glossodale School.


Presented by Dr Eamonn Kerins of Manchester University for our local schools


Our club was founded in Glossop in 1938.


Do YOU know your own Blood Pressure?


Glossop Rotary Club together Glossop Inner Wheel joined Warrington Rotary Club's "Stop Hunger Now" initiative to help provide 100,000 meals to Nairobi.

Glossop Jog 2021

The new course distance is approx. 0.4 mile
