Club Meeting

Wed, Feb 22nd 2017 at 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Speaker by Eric Meanock. Disaster Aid UK

We welcomed Past District Governor, Colin Ince to our meeting today and he gave us a well informed talk on the work of Disaster Aid UK & Irleand beginning with a short video clip on "Tropical Cyclone Winston" in Fiji in 2016. He outlined the main features of Disaster Aid solutions including the tents, the Life Box and the Sky Hydrant. Members of our club clearly wanted to know  how Disaster Aid differed from Shelterbox and Colin explained that whereas the focus of Shelterbox is on first response to a disaster, Disaster Aid are more concerned with working to help communities recover in the longer term.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

View of Shaw looking towards Royton, with Manchester in the distance.

Information about the local area.


Activities which benefit different areas of the local community.


Initiatives which benefit and celebrate the achievements of Young People.


As part of the international Rotary organisation the club provides help for people all over the world through a range of life changing projects.


Would you like to join us? Here are some activities for members to whet your appetite.
