ShelterBox and young people

Presentations to schools and youth organisations

ShelterBox began its relationship with schools in 2006 helping young people understand how natural and manmade disasters happen and the impact they have on those individuals and communities affected around the globe. From this exciting beginning the Young ShelterBox education programme was launched in 2009.

Our Rotary team have given a number of talks to school assemblies involving a short vibrant video, followed by hands on demonstration of the contents of the box and a question and answer session. The tent can be erected if time and space allow.

As an example we have given talks at secondary schools, such as Crompton House School in Shaw, who then over a period of a few months raised money for five ShelterBoxes. In the primary sector we have spoken to ten schools in areas such as Oldham, Bolton and Manchester, who have then raised over £7000 by various activities. All donations are assigned to a numbered box which can be tracked to its final destination on the internet. As an example, to see where the boxes donated by Crompton House have been deployed click here,

ShelterBox has a partnership with The Scout Association and this offers lots of fantastic opportunities for Scouts to explore the world of international disaster relief. We have given illustrated talks to members, explaining how Scouts have given hands on assistance in disasters. We have also run interactive programmes involving erecting the tent, demonstrating the contents of the box and introducing activities from the Scouts programme on the Young ShelterBox website.

We have also attended events run by Girlguiding UK, including the Oldham East Division AGM, to promote ShelterBox and its awareness programme for young people.

Would you like to know more? Our team of Rotarians are available for presentations so please contact us using the subject 'ShelterBox'

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International and Foundation Projects

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