On 10th February, the infants/junior class of the Stars Drama Academy performed a production of Alice in Wonderland at the Parish Hall, Cheadle Hulme. The play was directed by the Principal, Cathy Bates who created a magical world with costumes, staging and lighting. Stars Drama Academy has always helped Rotary in Cheadle to raise funds for their charity, which this year has been The Seashell Trust - a local school for children with multiple disabilities. The president of Cheadle Rotary, Marian Basu presented a cheque for £1,750 to Wendy Bray of the Seashell Trust. The Trust will use the funds to finance a holiday for three children to a specially adapted outward bound facility in the Lake District. A sterling effort by children, parents, Rotarians and friends. Another success for Stars Drama Academy and Cheadle Rotary Club.