Two4Six Walk 2008



Original photo sequence was irreversably scrambled by a web template reformat by Rotary GB&I. Sorry!

High Peak Mayor, Robin Baldry, accompanied by Mayoress Linda Baldry, saw 50 people set off from Burbage Institute on a circular Two4Six Sponsored Walk around the Goyt Valley on Sunday 21 June. Two4Six was coined from there being two organising clubs (Buxton Rotary and Inner Wheel), four charitable purposes, and the six mile route. The weather was fair at the start, but drizzled towards the end. This, however, did not dampen the spirits of the participants as they enjoyed sandwiches, cakes, tea and squash afterwards.


Donations and the walkers' sponsors pledges totalled

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We are in the process of becoming a "Climate Clever" Rotary Club. We have achieved level one "Inspire" and are now working on achieving the next level - "Investigate".


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (keep safe )


Some of this year's achievements


Big Dog Parker's owner, Elizabeth, has loaned him to the Rotary Club of Buxton to help children. Polio is still crippling under-5s so he's fundraising for Rotary's 'End Polio Now' campaign, by visiting Buxton firms, and inviting their staff to help.


100 boxes of Christmas biscuits were shared with local charities. Thanks to Morrisons for their generous discount and community support. For each box we bought, Morrisons donated one to support communities around the area.


Rotary, in collaboration with other local organisations, is helping people to improve their home energy usage. We have received a Rotary District Grant and are supported by the High Peak Borough Council Community Climate and Nature Action Fund.


Now that the vaccination programme has started we are planning activities (Covid-safe) for later this year. We are helping with traffic control at the Buxton Medical vaccination hub.


High Peak Baby Bank "gobsmacked" as donations reach £3000.


Photos of some of the Stalls (and Charlie Chaplin meets King Kong)


Primary school children need to be able to work online but many don't have a computer/tablet. With a District Contingency Fund Grant we have donated £1000 to Buxton Infants and Fairfield Infants for computers.


Rotary Club of Buxton Buxton Trust Fund - Charity No 1032437


To encourage young people to achieve their potential


Identifying & meeting community needs


To promote International fellowship and service


Using media to make the aims and activities of the Rotary Club of Buxton and the wider world of Rotary known to the public


Membership Matters
