Lunch on World Polio Day

What we did



We marked world polio day at lunch today. Winner of the purple costume competition was Rotarian Maureen, and guest speaker PP Derek Shaw told us about the day that the good ship Anastasis of Mercy Ships, came to the port of Dundee and how Rotary did them, and us, proud.



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World Polio Day

back 24th October 2024

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Usually. a fund-raiser organised solely by the Rotary Club of Dundee to encourage fellowship and raise funds for our own charity.


A few questions about Rotary

Rotarians and VIP guests gather at the Invercarse Hotel to celebrate the Club’s centenary

The Rotary Club of Dundee was founded in 1921 and has recently celebrated its Century of Service


If you’d like to get involved with Rotary, then we'd love to hear from you!

Maxwell Community Garden Project

A little taste of what Community Service do

Presentation to Broughty Ferry Lifeboat station

Fundraising work to provide the funds we need to assist our Communities


Youth opportunities with the Rotary Club of Dundee


International Projects together with supporting our own charity Rotary Foundation

Dundee Rotaract donated this array of provisions to the Dundee Food Insecurity Network

The service, leadership, professional and community service organisation for young men and women .

Civic Reception with Dundee’s Lord Provost to celebrate the Club’s centenary

The Rotary Club of Dundee came into being on May 19, 1921.
